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So it's time to start putting in your requests / suggestions for the exclusive content for January! On this post, please comment your video ideas! I will pick a couple roleplay ideas and a couple non-roleplay ideas and put them in polls for you to pick one of each! 

If you see someone else has commented your idea, just give theirs a like instead of commenting it again!

Let's see what you have in mind :)



Scottish accent girlfriend roleplay. Victorian era setting and we are going on holiday via a steam train. background train sound effects, close whispers, and maybe some hair brushing with a napping end where we fall asleep leaning against each other.


A spa roleplay where you brush our hair give us a head massage, an ear massage, wash our hair and dry it before leaving us to go to sleep.


maybe something like you're studying with a friend, when they realize how overwhelmed/burnt out you are, and it switches to a self-care/helping you relax kind of thing? with some writing sounds in the first half, then later on head massage sounds and the like


camping crush?


how about some kind of negative energy removal? I really love hand movements like plucking/pulling


Follow up visit with Dr. Softly. How are we adjusting to the future? Research stress, fitting in, imposter syndrome... more psychological than physical. Personal attention, writing, calming assurances

Dragon Flame

One good twin and one mean twin


You wake up in heaven and an angel patches you up. We could be in a kind of heaven medical room and the angel brings us back to life, she says about how we're going to have such a great time in heaven whilst she is healing us.


Close up kisses like your kissing you in 10 colours video


An inverse of the "I'm a teddy bear roleplay" in which we are your teddy bear instead.


Subtle mouth sounds, breathing ear to ear/ ear blowing, gentle ear scratches with the fluffy ball thing (I don't know what else to call it lol), shh, relax, I love you's


Intense ear eating alternated with slow, gentle kisses as a "cool down"


Tucking you in role play, bed time story whispered ear to ear, good night kisses, nap role play at the end with breathing


Fantasy magic elf role play. We've been injured on our adventure and you patch us up. Your kisses having magic healing powers so there are lots of those 😁


Twin slow kisses, shh, relax, I love you's