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I realize that while on the Patreon website, they have this section on my page called "featured tags" which helps you find the Patreon exclusive content easily, many of you probably use the Patreon app. On the app, there are no featured tags so I've seen some exit surveys of people saying they can't find their benefits. 

So I've made a pinned post at the top of my page that should be visible on the app or on the website with links to all the different tags so you can find your Patreon benefits more easily! 

Here is a link to that post! 

Hope that helps!


Nathaniel Jensen

Genius. Thank you. Idk why the app doesn't have that basic function.


I know! I was wondering why I kept getting that feedback but now I know why. I hope this is a helpful workaround.


I tried replying on the app, but it wouldn't allow me so I got on PC to say thank you! This is very thoughtful of you and yes it does help. The app needs an update. It has a a few issues and this was one of them. Thanks for the link! :)


Thanks. Im on mobile app


The app is so bad lol. Idk why they don’t try to fix it. Maybe cuz they know they don’t have to and people like me will still use it even if it’s terrible? Idk. But thanks for making that post and helping to make it more navigable!

Jake D.

There’s a Patreon app? Well after reading some of these I’m not upset I never knew about it haha