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I'm feeling really good today. I've been really using my coping skills lately that I've learned from dialectical behavior therapy, especially the emotional regulation ones. And honestly? It really helps so much to be able to maintain a good mood. I think this is the first time I've consistently used my skills for a good length of time. I don't know, it really feels like good progress :) Too often I would get willful and just keep myself in a bad mood because, well... I had a right to be upset! And that is true. But it feels good being able to have the ability to try to keep myself okay. That doesn't mean I don't ever cry or have a breakdown. I mean I still have a lot of trauma to heal from. But it doesn't ruin a whole day now if I have to cry. Therapy just really helps, especially when you have regular therapy combined with DBT. Life saving.

Other than that, I was really busy the last couple days working from when I woke up until past my bedtime working on the new Tingle Quest video. Deirdre's dress was laid out to dry because I got some water on it after filming. It's nice to be able to rest and just play some video games after all that! It feels good to have gotten another addition to the series. I know it's been a long time. 

I've also been playing Sims more again! I was sort of over it for several months but now I'm hooked back in xD Definitely due to some mods that got me excited lol.

And the last pic is of my cat, Isabel! She's a super cute sweetie pie who only cares about cuddles and hands and food. She doesn't bite or scratch or knock things over. She just is a pillow made of love. She's also sitting on my desk in front of me between my arms as I type this. Such a good baby. 

I hope y'all are doing well. <3




Glad you’re feeling better in general, also your sims character looks cool with that color of hair and outfit

Jorge G.B.

Rebekah, I am very happy that you are progressing with your therapy, honestly you are very strong. Remember one thing, on your bad days you have an important group of people who support you, we are grateful for your work and we are here for you. You already know this but personally I am very happy to be here and know things about you, you are a great person and you deserve the best. Every new video you make and also the streams are great, and I really enjoy it. You have my support, I send you a big hug! *squeeze squeeze*


Bekah. I'm glad you are doing well. Thanks for sharing what's going on in your life. I know we don't really know each other, but I wanted to say I'm proud of you and all the wonderful work you do. I hope that's ok to say that. I know how hard it is to recover from past *stuff*. Stay strong and thanks again for sharing your life with us. I truly appreciate you. 😉🙏☀️


I'm very proud of you. Mental health can be such a challenge, even in terms of acknowledging successes. You're doing great!




heck yeah my dewd :)


I cannot express how deeply glad I am that you are doing so well. I truly hope you are as proud as you deserve to be of this accomplishment. Your videos helped me through some of my darkest mental health struggles, and I sincerely hope that you continue to heal.


Heck yeah I’m glad you’re doing great!


I'm very glad to hear that. It's very inspiring! I've been overcoming some things lately and hearing you're doing ok I think will make that a little bit easier


Thank you, James! I know I have a long way to go with healing, but I think I'm making progress on building a foundation.


Happy to hear you are doing well. I really did enjoy the latest tingle quest, awesome work as always. Isabel is such an adorable ball of fluff haha.


I may be slightly in love with Isabel (this is true of many cats, but...)

Rolling Thunder

What a sweet update. I am so glad to read that you are doing well and feeling happy. 🙂 Having had my own trials with depression and anxiety I know how awful and dark ones own mind can be. And also what a relief it can be to finally break through that veil and see the light. Even if it is not always consistent or permanent. Just know that those of us that have been following you and enjoying your art also have seen the effort and progress you have made, both in your art and yourself. And we are impressed and inspired. You do great things with your creativity, Bekah and are very much appreciated. I for one have been inspired, moved, calmed and soothed by your videos. So again I say, I am glad to read that you are happy. Because you deserve to be. Stay well. ❤


So great to hear this, you are a true sweetie!


good mood c'c'c'commbooo ftw