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Exclusive: This video is only available for patrons and will not go public. 
Merry Christmas! The polls have it, so here is a new Patreon exclusive video, this time with whisper singing/humming. I know my voice isn't perfect, but I hope you find this to be relaxing :)
This video is in English with no subtitles. If you would like subtitles in Spanish, please comment below.
Audio download here. 
"EXCLUSIVO: Susurrando y Tarareando Canciones de Navidad"
 Exclusivo: Este video es únicamente disponible para patrocinadores y no se publicará. 
¡Feliz Navidad! Aquí hay un nuevo video exclusivo a Patreon, esta vez con susurrando/tarareando. Yo sé que mi voz no es perfecta, pero espero que te relaje :)
Este video es en inglés sin subtítulos. Si quieres subtítulos en español, por favor dime in un comentario.
Descarga de audio aquí. 


Patreon Exclusive: Whisper Singing and Humming Christmas Songs


Harry Cordell

Thankyou for being flexible and open minded. Really enjoyed your humming.im not religious but rather somewhat spiritual

Harry Cordell

You videos make my life so much more fun

Harry Cordell

Your at the beginning of your life and I will be approaching the end of mine in the not so distant future and you videos are great I simply love your work


Well this is awfully darn charming...