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Things got really hectic today and I ran out of time! Stream will be tomorrow, December 12, 2019 at 5pm PST! 



Suits me, I collapsed from fatigue yesterday. Hope to join you guys this night (long live the hectic days)


Question(s): Is it a multiplayer stream, hardcore solo, can other people join, is it console or PC? Sorry I have so many questions lol


Usually it's me playing solo and chatting and joking with the people watching. This time my friend Tyler will be joining me to see how that turns out! :D


Minecraft. Oh yeah. I haven't played in six months. I want to upgrade to $5 but still don't quite get how PPV adds up. If I set a limit, I might miss out on really great content.


Setting a limit won't block you from seeing any posts. It's just a feature so you won't go over your budget if I posted more than you expected one month. Whatever the max limit you're comfortable pledging is. Kind of like a sliding scale thing. :)


Ok I'm in. The quality of your content is so good that $1 feels wrong. Lol.