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In this Split Down the Middle video, I play an angel and a demon, one in each ear! The angel blows into your ears and provides comforting, soft and breathy whispers. The demon taps on bones and a raven while making lots of mouth and lip triggers. Very intense! Enjoy!

I make three English videos, then one Spanish video, in that order! This video is in English with Spanish subtitles.

Audio download here. 


"Dividido por el Medio! Angel vs Diablesa"

¡En este video de "Dividido por el Medio", hago un angel y una diablesa, uno en cada oído! El angel soplando por el micrófono y provee palabras susurrantes, tranquilizadoras, y suaves. La diablesa golpetea huesos y un cuervo mientras haciendo triggers de boca y labios. ¡Muy intenso! ¡Disfrúten!

Hago tres videos en inglés y entonces uno en español, en ese orden, siempre.  Este video es en inglés y tiene subtítulos en español. 

Descarga de archivo audio aquí. 


ASMR Split Down the Middle! Angel VS Demon (Mic Blowing, Breathy Whispers, Lip and Mouth Triggers)

In this Split Down the Middle video, I play an angel and a demon, one in each ear! The angel blows into your ears and provides comforting, soft and breathy whispers. The demon taps on bones and a raven while making lots of mouth and lip triggers. Very intense! Enjoy! I make three English videos, then one Spanish video, in that order! Got a question? It might be answered here: http://officialrebekahsmith.tumblr.com/faq Would you like to see my videos a day early for as little as $1/month? Check out my Patreon for that and more! PATREON :http://www.patreon.com/softlygaloshes OFFICIAL SITE: http://officialrebekahsmith.tumblr.com VLOGS: http://youtube.com/miceylulu SPANISH VLOGS: http://youtube.com/soytuestudiante FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/officialrebekahsmith ASMR WEBSITE: http://asmryouready.com ASMRYOUREADY TWITTER: http://twitter.com/asmryouready ASMRYOUREADY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/asmryouready MY WRITING: http://mumbledpixels.tumblr.com TUMBLR: http://brightstartheory.tumblr.com PERSONAL TWITTER: http://twitter.com/brbwatermelon OFFICIAL TWITTER: http://twitter.com/softlygaloshes INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/brightstartheory LAST.FM: http://last.fm/user/omgpinkjello/ SNAPCHAT: bananagaloshes Donate to my paypal, if you want: https://paypal.me/softlygaloshes For any and all business inquiries, please email me at softlygaloshes (at) gmail (dot) com Thank you! :) (NOTE: This is NOT for just asking questions or wanting conversation. This is for business reasons only. If you wish to talk to me casually, send me a tweet, a message on my various tumblrs, or my Facebook. All of those are linked above.) Intro by Lance Wilson. http://www.lancorz.co.uk/ #asmr



Got tingles by reading the description 😂 will listen tonight 👍💜


Can’t wait to see it , I know it’s gonna be a nice one


The side change half way was a nice touch ;)


I rather listen to angel but all tingles come from demon ;) So each ears is happy ^_^


Interesting mix, lots of tingles but I totally preferred the angel to be honest and next time two angels wouldn't be so bad 😊🤗


I really didn’t like it sorry I found the demon to be quite unpleasant so I only listen to the angel and loved it

Adrian E

I loved the demon. Especially the raven part. "That's how it died" lmao


I like the angel best of course. More like the actually Becca (I assume)!