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Hey! I've been working for 7 hours straight today on Tingle Quest 2. Pretty much all prep. Writing the script, brainstorming the mechanics, doing incredibly long searches for the pixel art and getting the licenses for them, buying some costumes and props... And I haven't even started recording yet!

But I wanted to give you lovelies a little glimpse of what I'm doing. So here's a little screentest I did of the beginning of the video. If you watched Tingle Quest, you'll remember the narration parts had white text over a black background. Well this time it's going to be white text over lovely pixel art :D

Anyway, I'm off to get some junk food as my reward xD Good night!




The amount of work you put into your videos is astounding. Thank you for creating. Enjoy your junk food!


Excited! Still have yet to finish the first one 😂

Harry Cordell

Your videos are in a class on their

Jean-François Bédard

wow.. you a workaolic ^^ eigher to see this when it uploads :D


So much passion and dedication for your work and us! Thanks Bekah!

Chad M Hufman

Whoa! This is amazing! I hope you got some pizza and soda waiting for you because you earned it! :D I wish I was that talented ohmygosh!


No wonder it's taking extra time for this one...artwork


I keep seeing this post as I scroll through my Patreon feed & I keep getting excited. I can't wait!


Haha well I'm not drawing them myself. I'm getting the licenses for things other people drew. Sorry if that was unclear 😝


I thought you must have commissioned someone to do the art specifically for the video. Personally I usually listen with eyes shut but I hope the higher production values gain you more subscribers and patrons


:D I do have some people to ask for this kind of art, but needed something more quickly. I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out :D


I don't think you need to worry about that😉