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I know the last couple times I've tried streaming games and that has had a lot of technical difficulties and so I feel like it's probably time to figure something else out!

So please give me your thoughts :)


Dan Gregory

See if people want to talk about themselves. It's their chance to switch places and play the active role. They will defer to you as the "leader" if you are talking. However, they should also answer your questions if you ask :P


I didn't vote other, but I'll post my thinkings anyway. I donate to support you, and nothing else. I'm interested in your thoughts and ramblings, I'm not really interested in a random game like Skyrim or Minecraft. Now I'm not saying to "never do that ever again OR UNSUB RAWR DOWNVOTE". But I'm more interested in you and your thoughts. Board games can be conversational so I voted for them in addition to General conversation. Having written that it reads whinier than intended, but I only meant this as constructive feedback :)


How about a virtual tour of a castle or a famous place. Para-scope some live places or a zoo to see live animals. Get to know you questions. There are a lot of new patrons.


Personally I don't particularly mind what we do during the live shows. I just like hanging out with all of you. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but it's the truth. I suppose as long as we attempt to change it up every once in a while, that's fine with me. By the way, I do like the suggestion of the "get to know you" questions.


I preferred the more interactive streams, but I also just like hanging out so I'm not too bothered either way. Maybe some gaming streams where we can play too (Minecraft server or something like agar.io?)


Whatever you want. My belief is in you as an artist and professional. Even though I just found you last month, I have loved everything I have heard so far.


Your personal attention videos are the best.