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So it's time to start putting in your requests / suggestions for the exclusive content for the month! On this post, please comment your video ideas! I will pick a couple roleplay ideas and a couple non-roleplay ideas and put them in polls for you to pick one of each!

If you see someone else has commented your idea, just give theirs a like instead of commenting it again!

Let's see what you got :)


Mateo Ayala

How about planning out a medieval heist with a rogue character?


I don't have an idea for a plot, but another Sassy Demon roleplay

Joseph G

Twin kisses and enunciated whispers. With a variety of kisses (i.e. reverse, squeaky, humming) and whispers telling us things like "we love you", "feel it", and "tttingle for us".

Joseph G

We've been abducted and are now subject to an alien tingle experiment. Her last "volunteer" experienced unaliving from tingle overload but she's decided that the risks are worth it for science. She closely examines you (eye contact, snaps, face touching, some pov kisses) while you listen to various layered personal attention triggers through your neural interface (scritchens, gentle blowing, kisses tongue fluttering, etc). After each session she whispers about her findings and types notes.


Fluffy mic massage with sksk, squish, shh, relax.


Ophelia trying to sell us various potions, tonics, etc