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So the strike on my channel is in full effect. I can’t upload on YouTube until I’m back from TwitchCon. I can’t even make a community post. It sucks. And in all honesty has dampened my drive to work on audios more than I thought it would.

And then the incidents in Israel happened starting on Saturday. To those who don’t know that’s my home country and where half my family is from. Someone close to me was in the IDF and lost their life back in 2018. Everything I’ve been seeing and hearing is making me want to avoid the internet as much as I can. As people I thought were my friends on both sides of the political sprectrum have expressed unsettling sentiments because of it. I’ve also been having to delete a barrage of hateful antisemitism related comments on my Hebrew-speaking and Israel related ASMR videos has been crazy I can’t delete them fast enough. Because fuck me for making audios in a language a tiny fraction of the world speaks and I don’t know enough Arabic to comfortably use it! How dare I want to provide comfort and entertainment for people in my home.

My mood hasn’t been great to say the least. I haven’t been in a good headspace. Every time I see an alert on my phone for a rocket strike in Israel my heart sinks. I’ve barely been able to sleep at night because I get more prone to nightmares. (For example the other night I woke up in a cold sweat after one involving a Hamas insurgent violently killing my children. Fun right?) Every time I sit down to work on an audio I blank out. It’s terrible. I’m not going to get into politics because this is not the space for it and I don’t want to be judged for my views based on lived experiences (like being in the vicinity of a suicide bombing in Israel when I was 4….) but just know that I’m hurting and scared for my family who for one reason or another cannot flee the country.

Also things haven’t been stellar between me and my husband. I’ve been getting frustrated with him for essentially prioritizing playing Call of Duty over doing things for his family. Our toddler was crying for him for a good 20 minutes or so before he eventually set the controller down to check on her. I hate it. I’m expected to always drop what I’m doing - even if it’s actual work - to tend to the kids every need and he can’t seem to be bothered to pause a fucking game when they want him. Either he’s glued to a game or his phone when he’s not at work and it’s driving me up a wall. I express these things to him and he replies with he should be able to do what he wants to relax when not working. You can’t put a schedule on parenting and caring for your family! It’s a 24 hour job with no real breaks! Ugh. 😑

At least I still have my trip to TwitchCon to look forward to I suppose! Some time hanging out in Vegas with friends and fellow creators is something I really need at this point. I just want to be able to network and party and have fun and not have to worry about things in life for a few days. I’ll post pictures of my cute outfits and cosplays just for y’all if you want. 💖

In all honesty I could use some cheering up. If y’all can post memes in the comments I’d appreciate it. (Just keep them fun and friendly okay?) I hope things are going better right now for you all at least. I really do. I want my community to be in a good place. 🙏

That’s about it for now. Please keep safe, be well, know I love and care about you, and as always - stay awesome~! ❤️❤️❤️✨

XOXO Kitti Minx 💋💋💋✨

Yandere Orki Art by ItsAlza on Twitter! See my Yandere Halloween model in action all month on my Twitch streams!




Huge ehugs to you as well as my continual prayers! Thank you for making us aware of what is going on in your life. Thank you also for being a blessing in our lives and I hope for blessings in yours!

Huntsman of Atlas

Honestly, I didn’t even know you made asmr in that language.

Huntsman of Atlas

Also you want something funny, okay, the best way to recycle would be to clean a chicken bucket out and use it for a fountain drink