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Just wondering…

In regards to my lewd/NSFW content - does it arouse you at all? Have you gotten off to it? If so how much/how often? 🤔

I want to make the hottest content I can within my abilities! ♥️♥️♥️✨



Huntsman of Atlas

Umm… hopefully I don’t sound too weird, but… yes, it does, I don’t listen to the nsfw ones crazy often, but when I do… sometimes I can help myself

Senso Wrath

Yeah, I have. It’s good quality content and manages to strike a chord usually when I actually have a chance to listen to the NSFW ones.


Yes most definitely i enjoy the SFW ones too but i have to admit the NSFW are definitely arousing

Chocolatechocobo17 .

Aroused by both sfw and nsfw mostly get off to nsfw 80% of the time

Troy Young

I do enjoy your NSFW content, although I haven't actually listened to a lot of it yet (newish subscriber, working through it all though). While I may not get off every time, that's definitely more a me thing than you.


yes and often also enjoy the sfw stuff as well

Earl Sheffield IV

My dear Kitty, I would have to be dead to not get aroused listening to your NSFW content. You are very talented, in more ways than one. I will admit to getting aroused with each lewd/NSFW video, and yes I have gotten off to a few. Some were hot enough that I was getting off whether I wanted to or, not. My little friend did not give me much warning. Keep up the wonderful work. You have the very rare combination of beauty and talent.

Number Zerosixsixsix

aroused sure but i usually cant get off to pure audio regardless of who is acting it out with very rare exceptions.

Hentai Deus

I have used your lewd audios several times I enjoy them. I prefer audio and feel it is well done.


I don't listen to nsfw stuff often, but you do a good job at it. I have semi odd tastes in lewd stuff, but you have done a few that have got turned on.


Aroused…oh yes. Gotten off..not really. But that’s only because I prefer not to have an orgasm when masturbating.