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Heya I just want to apologize that there’s a chance there won’t be a NSFW audio this week. I got put on blood thinner medication on Monday by my hematologist and it just so happened that day my Monthly Lady Time started and because of the blood thinners these last several days it’s been pretty awful.

It affected my libido and when I do NSFW I like to be in the “mood” with the right mojo when I make it. Unlike some creators I don’t like to fake it or force it because I pride myself on producing genuine pieces. I feel if something is fake it likely will sound fake. I want you to hear real passion in the audios. I hope that makes sense. So when I can’t feel it unfortunately it makes it difficult for me to make it.

I will see where the next few days take me as the Womanly Time is starting to calm down. Though I just got hit with some heavy news that’s kinda gotten my mood all over the place. So we’ll see where things go.

I’m sorry for any disappointment. I promise to make it up to y’all somehow.

xoxo Kitti Minx 😘💋♥️✨


Steven Flippen

Do not worry. You just take care of yourself first. I prefer to hear you enjoy your work, rather then pushing yourself too hard. When your ready go for it.


Hey your an artist and artists need to be in the mood and your health comes first. Hope you get well soon.


My best wishes for you.

Chocolatechocobo17 .

Not disappointed your health comes first. Hard to do anything if your body doesn't cooperate.

Cody Harris

I understand and hope you get better soon. Your health always comes first. Take care


I hope you feel better soon. That is the most important thing.


Good luck on clearing everything up Kittie❣️🙏