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Welcome new patrons! I promise I did not vanish again! Real life stuff is just swamping me lately.


Had an appointment with an oncologist that went well today. They want to keep me on blood thinners for a couple more months at least to be safe, but they don't think it's cancer. So that's good! They did take a fuckton of blood to run other tests to figure out what else might be going on. So I should have those results soon.

I also had my med dosages adjusted by my psychiatrist so I've been getting used to that. Adjusting to the psych meds plus the blood thinner has just had me more run down than usual lately. D Knight is still going to the base for his drill for the next week and a half or so. So he's out the door at 4:30am and doesn't roll in sometimes until after 6pm. At that point I'm wiped and just want to pass the kids off so I can nap for a couple hours. ^^;. 

Once D Knight is back on his civilian schedule I think will be a major factor in me getting back onto a more regular content schedule. So if y'all can bear with me for just another two weeks with sporadic uploads and maybe the random stream or two - I'd be very grateful. 

Anna is working on art for me again. She just started my mascot for my OnlyFans (yes I decided to do one to offer content I definitely can't post on here or Youtube. If you want to know more about it when I launch it let me know!) and said she'll be starting on the character art I commissioned her very soon as well as my main mascot redesign for 2020....even though 2020 is more than half over SSSSSHHHHHHHH :|  So if you're at an art tier just be patient!

For the cosplay posts those pictures were saved on the hard drive on my gaming laptop that I still can't get to boot up. I'm waiting on Pops to have his friend look at it to see what the problem is. Things have been chaotic at home so he hasn't had time to call said friend yet. Hopefully we can get the thing to boot up and I can transfer important files off of it and onto the new Macbook. If that can't be done hopefully Pops can take the drive out of it and convert it to an external my Macbook can see and get files off of that way. As not only do I want all my cosplay pics to share with y'all but I also want my WIPs from the ASMR projects I was in the middle of last year too! So if you're at a tier for cosplay, again please be patient! As for shooting new stuff I'm not sure when I'll be able to do that as I've got the baby. Likely it will be when the older kid is in school in the fall so I only have to worry about someone watching said baby while I go somewhere to shoot for an hour or two. Plus I don't know how I'd look in my current post-baby body... I'd rather make sure you all get quality product y'know? Just hang in there! I'll keep you all updated as I know more about things!

For merch stuff I'm still waiting on Virus restrictions to lift up in places. I'm still not comfortable putting random orders in which I'm sure y'all understand. Rather be safe than sorry.

Streaming - I did a test Public stream on Saturday just to see how the software fares on this laptop. It does well so long as I don't fuck with said software while the stream is going (adjusting any settings or whatnot) xD (I may do another couple public test streams to be sure, we'll see - and public so as to not fiddle with too many settings just yet as public is the software's default ) As the baby permits (and my energy levels as well) I will try to stream for y'all one or two evenings a week either on YT Unlisted or on Twitch whatever is easier for me to hop onto.  This will be easier on me most likely when D is back to his civilian job schedule. So just hang in there! 

A Request For Y'all - If any of you have the spare time, if you can go through my back posts on here where I uploaded sample thumbnails of ASMR RP ideas I had, save them if you can, and email me the images in a Zip to kittiminx@cosplaycourtesan.com I'd really appreciate it! I know they're on here somewhere just pretty far back at this point and I don't have time or energy to try to find them all I'm sorry. TT_TT;; But I'd like to have them if possible! I'll see if I can commission a sketch of your fave character of mine from Anna or something as a gift for whoever can do this! 

In general thank you all SO MUCH for your support it means the world to me as well as your patience while I've been dealing with RL stuff and sorting things out. Y'all are amazing. <3 Stay awesome everyone!

xoxo Kitti Minx



Take your time and do what you gotta. I love your content but I want you to be healthy and happy more. Good luck!