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I’m screwed,” Harry couldn’t help but think to himself as he stared at the list of spells before him.

Some of them he knew, some of them he didn’t, and absolutely none of them would help him against a bloody dragon.  It was a strange thing for someone who had faced death as many times as he had to think, but in that moment, Harry wasn’t sure if he had ever felt quite this much dread.

“We’ll figure it out, Harry,” Hermione said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself as much as him.

“We always have before,” Harry said, forcing a smile that didn’t seem to fool the bushy-haired brunette at all.

“The library closes in fifteen minutes,” Madam Pince called out.

“We should probably head back,” Harry sighed, closing the book. “I don’t think I’m actually processing much right now anyway.”

“You go ahead,” Hermione said. “Try to get some sleep tonight, and we’ll get back to this in the morning.”

“I’ll just help you with the books,” Harry said.

“No, Harry,” Hermione said. “You look exhausted, and I’m more than capable of turning a big pile of books in.  It’s hardly the first time.”

“Or the hundredth,” Harry remarked, earning a small smile from her. “I’ll see you in the morning, Hermione.”

“Night, Harry,” Hermione said.

“Night,” Harry said, grabbing his things and turning to leave.

He wandered in a daze, relatively sure that he was heading in the direction of the Gryffindor Common Room, but not giving it much thought.  The past few weeks had been a nightmare even by his standards, and there was part of him that had begun to wonder if this might be it for him.

I have to face a bloody dragon, and I have no plan,” he thought to himself in a panic. “I had no plan for the basilisk either, but I somehow doubt that Fawkes and the Sorting Hat will be able to bail me out of this one.”

So consumed was he by his internal dooming that he failed to notice someone coming the other way as he turned a corner and bumped into the person.  His well-trained seeker reflexes saved the day, and he managed to catch her before she fell, noticing that the person he bumped into was a blonde girl in Ravenclaw.  Her big silver eyes stared up at him as he kept his arm around her waist just a moment longer than he meant to.

“I’m so sorry,” Harry said. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“It’s okay,” the girl said, her voice light and ethereal. “I’ve always wondered what it was like to be a golden snitch, and now I know.”

Harry would have laughed, but she sounded like she was serious, and he didn’t want to insult her.

“You poor thing,” she said, reaching up and grazing the backs of her nails through his scalp. “Your head’s so full of Wrackspurts that I’m surprised you can think at all.”

Harry took a step back from the strange girl, choosing not to focus on the pleasant chill her touch had sent down his spine, and asked, “Wrackspurts?”

“They’re invisible little creatures that fly in through our ears and make our minds go all fuzzy,” she said. “You have one of the worst cases of them I’ve ever seen.  You can make them go away by thinking positive thoughts.”

“Well, I’m rather low on positive thoughts at the moment,” Harry muttered.

“Because of the tournament?” the girl asked.

“Yes, because of the tournament,” Harry hissed, feeling bad when the girl looked sad. “I’m sorry, it’s just...I learned what the first task is, and I have no idea what I’m going to do.”

“What is it?” she asked. “I overheard one of the first years speculating that you’d have to arm-wrestle trolls, but I said that couldn’t possibly be it.”

“I might honestly prefer that,” Harry muttered. “We’ll be going up against dragons.”

“Fighting them?” the girl asked.

“Getting past them,” Harry said.

“Probably stealing something,” the girl speculated. “I’ve heard that Gringotts uses dragons to guard their most valuable vaults.”

“So that’s what I was thinking about when I bumped into you,” Harry said.  Looking down, he noticed something that he hadn’t before and asked, “um, where are your shoes?”

“They were stolen by the nargles,” the girl replied. “I’ve no idea where they’ve put them.”

“Nargles?” Harry asked.

“They’re mischievous little creatures that live in mistletoe and steal things,” the girl replied. “My butterbeer cork necklace keeps them away, but I was foolish enough to not take my shoes with me when I went to shower this morning, and by the time I was done, they were gone.”

“Right,” Harry said, figuring that someone in her year had taken them. “Aren’t your feet cold?”

“Very,” Luna said, “but I’m trying not to think about it.”

Grabbing his wand, Harry cast a quick warming charm on her feet.  The girl sighed in pleasure and smiled widely up at him.

“Oh, that’s much better!” she exclaimed. “Thank you so much.  I’m Luna Lovegood, by the way.”

“Harry Potter,” Harry said reflexively.

“I think that I might have a solution to your dragon problem,” Luna said. “Would you mind walking me to my common room?”

“Not at all,” Harry said, wondering what the strange girl could possibly have in mind.

Even if he doubted that her solution would work, given their odd conversation, he was desperate enough to hear her out.  As they walked towards Ravenclaw Tower, Harry noticed that she was wearing earrings that looked like radishes.  Luna seemed sweet, if unusual, and Harry had nothing against her, but he was beginning to suspect that she was being bullied.  He doubted that it was mistletoe-dwelling gremlins that stole her shoes.

“Here we are,” Luna said as they arrived at the entrance to Ravenclaw Tower.

There was an eagle knocker on the door, and when Luna touched it, it seemed to come alive and look at them.

“The poor have me, the rich need me, and if you eat me, you’ll die,” the eagle said. “What am I?”

“Nothing,” Luna said automatically.

“Correct,” the eagle said, and the door swung open.

“Wait here,” Luna said. “I’ll be right back.”

“Alright,” Harry said, still looking at the eagle.

He hadn’t had the slightest clue what the answer to that riddle was and was suddenly glad that he hadn’t been sorted into Ravenclaw.

“Harry?” came a beautiful voice, and Harry looked over to see Cho Chang approaching.

It would have had its perks, though,” he thought to himself as he looked at the raven-haired beauty.

“What are you doing here?” Cho asked.

Her red-haired friend next to her, whom Harry thought might have been named Maria, looked equally curious and more hostile.

“I found i...oh,” Luna said. “Hello Cho, Marietta.”

“Lovegood,” Marietta said.

“I found what I was looking for, Harry,” Luna said.

“You two know each other?” Cho asked.

“Oh yes, we just met,” Luna said before Harry could reply. “Harry caught me and warmed my feet.  He’s very nice.”

“Er...yes, I…” Harry stammered.

“You two have a lovely night,” Luna said.

“Right,” Cho said, heading inside with Marietta in tow. “You as well.  Remember, curfew’s in twenty minutes.”

As the door closed, Harry groaned, saying, “I wish you hadn’t said that.”

“Why?” Luna asked.

The answer to that was because he didn’t know what the hell Cho was going to think of him after that display, but instead he said, “you saw what Skeeter wrote about me already.”

“I could write something about you if you like,” Luna offered. “My father owns and operates the Quibbler.”

“The what?” Harry asked.

“The Quibbler,” Luna repeated. “It’s a paper for those who don’t want to be spoonfed the opinion of the ministry.  Cho wasn’t lying about curfew, by the way.  We’ll need to make this quick.”

Without another word, the eccentric blonde tore off down the hallway, and Harry rushed to keep up.  She unlocked and opened the first door she came across and went inside.  As Harry followed her, he saw that she’d brought him into an empty classroom.

“Here,” Luna said, reaching into her bag and pulling out an ancient-looking tome. “This will help you with the dragon.”

“A Treatise on Devil Summoning!” Harry exclaimed as he read the title on the first page.

“Yes, it’s a fascinating read,” Luna said, seemingly oblivious to Harry’s uneasiness.

“Why do you have this?” Harry asked, shocked by the no-doubt highly illegal tome.

“It’s been in my family ever since my great-grandfather Cyrus defeated the dark lord Thorfinn the Terrible,” Luna replied.

“He defeated a dark lord?” Harry asked, intrigued.

“Sort of,” Luna replied. “Thorfinn the Terrible was a powerful and rather mad dark wizard who terrorized Sweden back in the 19th century.  My great-grandfather loved peanuts and had figured out a way to enchant his garden to allow them to grow all year round despite the cold climate.  Thorfinn got it in his head that the peanuts were magical and would give anyone who ate them great magical power.  Fearing his power, Thorfinn sought to bargain with my great-grandfather rather than try to take them by force and offered him this book in exchange for a bag of them.”

“And he took the deal?” Harry asked.

“Yes,” Luna replied. “Cyrus Lovegood was no great duelist or warrior and knew that he’d stand no chance against Thorfinn, so when the madman made his offer, he agreed, hoping that they’d never see each other again.  They didn’t, funny enough, as the peanuts ended up being Thorfinn’s downfall.”

“Did he become overconfident, thinking that they’d made him invincible?” Harry asked.

“No, it turned out that he was allergic to peanuts,” Luna replied.

Harry, once again unsure if Luna was serious or not, could only stare at the blonde and blink owlishly.

Changing the subject, he asked, “aren’t demons evil, though?  And is this even legal?”

“Oh, it’s very illegal,” Luna said, “and I’ll ask that you not mention it to anyone.  As for the devils, I’m sure some are evil, but so is you-know-who, and neither of us would like all wizards to be considered evil because of him.”

Harry couldn’t argue with her there.

“I guess I just always thought that they were evil, monstrous creatures,” Harry said. “If they even existed.”

“They exist, and they’re anything but monstrous,” Luna said. “The author of this book summoned several to strike little bargains and painted quite a number of them.  This one’s my favorite.  Her name’s Venelana.”

“Gah!” Harry exclaimed as he saw the painting in question.

The devil in it looked human, save for her black, bat-like wings and purple eyes.  It was a miracle that Harry even noticed those features, though, as she was utterly naked.  Seated for the painting, she was grinning wickedly at him, twirling a strand of her long brown hair around her finger.  Every so often, she’d wink at him.

“She has beautiful breasts,” Luna commented. “They’re so large and yet firm and perky.  I hope mine look like that some day.”

All of Harry’s higher functions deserted him as his blood rushed far away from his brain.  When Luna closed the book, it snapped him out of it, and he quickly adjusted his robes to try and hide his erection.

“So, just borrow the book and think it over,” Luna said. “I would like it back as soon as you’ve gone over it.”

“I’ll get it back to you before the first task,” Harry promised.

“Or after,” Luna said, giving him a small smile.

“Um, will they want my soul?” Harry asked.

“The clans do vary in their position on humans and the things they ask for,” Luna said. “I’d recommend reading about them all first and then going with one of the kinder clans if you decide to summon someone.  Good night, Harry.”

“Good night,” Harry said, watching as the blonde rushed out of the classroom.

Aware of the fact that he might not make it back to the Gryffindor Common Room in time and not wanting to get caught with this particular book, Harry pulled his invisibility cloak out of his bag and stuffed the book in its place.  Wrapping it around himself, he left, longing for his bed.


“If you like the guy so much, then you marry him!” Rias growled.

“Rias, that’s no way to talk to your mother,” Zeoticus Gremory snapped.

“Yes, you’re right,” Rias said. “I wouldn’t want to condemn her to a fate worse than death.”

“If you’re done being melodramatic, dear, I’d be happy to listen to your objections,” Venelana Gremory said.

“Only so you can ignore them,” Rias muttered. “I shouldn’t have to marry that arrogant, sanctimonious man-whore just because you’re friends with his mother.”

“This isn’t about that, and you know it,” Venelana said calmly. “Riser comes from a powerful bloodline and has inherited all of its perks.  If he were to pass his power down to your children and they were lucky enough to inherit the power of destruction as well, each one could end up being a superdevil.  It would secure both of our families for aeons.”

Rias made no attempt to hide her disgust at the thought of having Riser Phenex’s children.

“Now, it won’t happen for another couple years at least,” Zeoticus piped up. “That will be plenty of time to get to know Riser better.”

“I know him plenty,” Rias spat. “You haven’t finalized the arrangement yet; there’s still time to stop this.  Please!”

“Enough,” Venelana said. “You’re not a child anymore, Rias.  You know that our power and privilege come with certain obligations.  Now I truly hope that you and your future husband manage to come to some sort of accord, but if worse comes to worse, you won’t have to spend every day and night with him.”

“May I go?” Rias asked, furious at them both.

“You may,” her father sighed.

Wings springing from her back, she didn’t bother touching a single step as she rushed to her room, hot tears stinging her eyes.

“They didn’t budge?” Akeno asked the second she saw her.

“No,” Rias growled. “They’re insisting that I marry that pig!”

“I’m so sorry, Rias,” Akeno sighed, hugging her tightly.

“It’s apparently too much to ask that I get to fall in love,” Rias said despondently. “I’m going to be stuck married to a man who will treat me like a broodmare when he isn’t fucking someone else.  I should free you before it happens.”

“No!” Akeno exclaimed.

“Akeno, you’re mine, and if I marry him, we’ll both become his,” Rias said.

“I am yours,” Akeno said, resting her forehead against Rias’. “For better or worse, I’m not leaving your side.”

“It’s a shame I can’t marry you,” Rias said. “You’d bring a hell of a lot more to the table.  Loyalty, good company…”

“Probably as much dick,” Akeno giggled, making her laugh as well. “Your brother can’t help you?”

“Not with this,” Rias sighed, walking over and flopping on her bed. “He’s one of the Satans, and he can’t be seen interfering in family disputes like this.  He has to remain above it all, impartial.”

“If this was Sona, do you really think that Lady Serafall would even hesitate to intervene?” Akeno scoffed.

“Serafall would start a civil war if some gave Sona a papercut, but Sirzechs isn’t like that, and I wouldn’t want him to be,” Rias said. “As much as I hate Riser, I wouldn’t want this to make trouble for my brother.  No, if I want a way out of this, I’m going to have to take care of it myself.”

“Any ideas?” Akeno asked.

“My mother loves rating games,” Rias said. “If I could bet my freedom on the outcome of one of them, she might take that bet, but only if it was one that I was participating in…”

“And you only have me,” Akeno sighed.

“I have at least two years,” Rias said. “If I can build up a proper peerage before then and find some match that my mother would be willing to bet against me on, then that could work.  Father would go along with her if she decided to call things off.”

“You could also just lose your virginity,” Akeno suggested.

“No devil would risk making enemies of the Phenex clan,” Rias said, shaking her head, “and the idea of using some random human man, likely dooming him in the process, just doesn’t sit well with me, not while I have other options at least.”

“If you made part of your peerage, he’d become a servant of the house of Gremory,” Akeno said. “Pissed as they’d be, your parents would be obliged to protect him.”

“If I come across a man impressive enough to recruit, then that will be an option,” Rias admitted, “but I’m not wasting an evil piece on someone who wouldn’t be of further use to me.”

“Then we need to focus on just recruiting you a full peerage,” Akeno said.  When Rias jerked violently, she asked, “Rias?”

“I, ah!” Rias cried out, wrapping her arms around her middle. “I feel like I’m being pulled...I’m being summoned!”

“By who?” Akeno asked in alarm. “No devil could possibly…”

“I’m being summoned to Earth,” Rias hissed. “Some magician managed it somehow.”

“If it’s a guy, maybe he could solve your problem,” Akeno said, relaxing once she realized that her master wasn’t in danger. “Good luck!”

Before Rias could reply, she disappeared in a flash of light.


“Member of the House of Gremory, I summon thee,” Harry repeated again, beginning to wonder if this was even working.

He had held out for a full day, trying as hard as he could to find a solution other than the one that Luna had given him.  The best plan he had so far was Moody’s idea of flying around the dragon and taking what he needed to get his hands on.  All he needed to do for that was learn the summoning charm, something that Hermione had helped him with, and then fly like his life depended on it, because it would.

He knew that he was a good flyer, one of the best in the school, in fact, but he just didn’t know if he was good enough for this, and there were so many things that could go wrong with the plan.  With two days left before the task and with him unable to sleep, he started reading through Luna’s book, trying not to get too distracted by the illustrations.  Eventually, he happened upon the entry for the devil clan Gremory, which seemed to be one of the friendliest of them, and decided to give it a shot.  Closing the curtains around his bed and taking care to ensure that no sound would escape them, he followed the instructions in the book and began his summoning.

“...I summon thee,” Harry said again.

Just as he was about to write the whole thing off as idiotic, red light began to form inside the circle of salt that he had created, taking the form of the Gremory sigil.  A moment later, there was a flash of red light so blinding that he had to close his eyes, and when he opened them again, his mouth opened with them.  The girl inside the circle looked no older than him and was even more beautiful than the illustrations he had seen in the book.  With crimson hair, bright blue eyes, and flawless pale skin, she was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen.  That was just her face, too.  Her body was curvy in a way that even Angelina’s wasn’t, and her figure reminded him a little of the first devil whose painting he had seen.

“Wow, you’re bad at this,” she said as she looked around.

“Huh?” Harry asked.

“The circle of salt thing is a myth,” the devil scoffed, “and even if it wasn’t, putting it on a bed like this would be a bad idea.  Can you guess why?”

When he didn’t say anything, she stomped her foot down on the bed, sending the salt flying in every direction and making him feel stupid.

“Oh shit!” Harry exclaimed, reaching for his wand.

“Don’t,” Rias said harshly, her hand suddenly enveloped in bright red light. “I don’t intend to hurt you, but that will change if you threaten me.  Now, I am Rias Gremory, magician.  Why have you summoned me?”

“I...please sit down first,” Harry said, relaxing a little when she did so. “I’m doomed.”

“How so?” Rias asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I was entered into this lethal tournament against my will,” Harry said. “In two days, I’m going to have to face a dragon that I need to get past to steal something.  I have no real way of fighting the damn thing, and the best plan I’ve come up with so far is to fly around it.”

“You intend to outfly a dragon?” Rias asked.

“I didn’t say it was a good plan,” Harry said dryly.

“Hmm, and you clearly can’t just forfeit, or you would have already,” Rias said.

“I’d lose my magic, apparently,” Harry said. “I don’t even want to be part of this thing, but someone managed to force me into it, and now I’m bound to a magical contract against my will.”

“I know something about that,” Rias said, sounding suddenly angry.

She looked at him like she was assessing him in some way and started twisting a ring around her right ring finger.

“Stand up,” she after a moment.

“Why?” Harry asked, though when she gave him a blank stare, he decided to do as she asked.

“Turn around,” Rias said. “All the way, that’s it.”

“Am I to make the dragon dizzy?” Harry asked sarcastically.

“It might be a better plan than trying to outfly a creature with wings,” Rias bit back. “You can sit back down.”

“In my defense, the man who gave that might plan might actually be insane,” Harry said. “I just figured that an insane plan was better than none.”

“That’s debatable,” Rias said, reaching out to him.  When he tensed up, she said, “relax.  I just want to get a feel for what I’m dealing with here.”

In the palm of her hand, a red glyph appeared, and she hovered it over him, moving all over his body without touching him.

“Hmm, you’re powerful, that’s for sure,” Rias commented. “Not terribly trained, it would seem.  You have far more potential than the other two magicians I’ve met, and...oh, there’s something very strange up here.”

“That was where I was hit by the killing curse as a baby,” Harry said.

Rias’ eyes shot to his, and she said, “explain.”

“To make a long story short, some powerful dickhead decided to kill my parents and me when I was a year old,” Harry said. “He killed them, but when he tried to kill me, his spell failed and his body was destroyed.  No one knows what happened except that I lived and got an annoyingly conspicuous scar from it.”

“Well, whatever happened, it left some lingering magic,” Rias said. “Regardless, I think that I can help you.”

“What’s it going to cost?” Harry asked, sounding every bit as nervous as he felt.

“Not your soul, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Rias laughed. “No, your soul would remain right in here where it belongs.  You would become my servant for life, a life that will last potentially thousands of years, by the way.”

“Huh?” Harry asked.

Rias waved her hand and summoned a small bag containing what looked like crimson chess pieces, though they were missing the king and queen.

“These are evil pieces,” Rias said. “When bestowed upon a human, they make him into a devil.”

“I...I could become a devil?” Harry asked.

“Mmhmm,” Rias said.

“Is that what happened to you?” Harry asked.

“No,” Rias replied. “I was born a devil.  My people are very long-lived but have very poor fertility rates.  With the number of enemies that we have, an inability to replicate our numbers left us at a severe disadvantage.  To get around that, my brother’s best friend invented the evil pieces, allowing us to take regular humans and make them like us.”

“Aside from living longer, what would that mean for me?” Harry asked.

“You would become stronger, faster, and more durable,” Rias said. “Your magical abilities would increase exponentially as well.  In short, you would be more than a match for your dragon.”

“Um, there’s something I should tell you,” Harry said. “That madman who killed my parents, his body was destroyed that night, but he’s not fully dead.”

“What?” Rias asked, confused.

“Somehow he managed to stick around,” Harry said. “He’s a wraith now, but he nearly came back entirely a few years ago.”

“Strange, but irrelevant,” Rias said dismissively. “You would likely become stronger than him in short order after becoming my servant, and even if he was a threat to the two of us, my brother could tear his very soul apart.”

“Your brother’s that powerful?” Harry asked.

“Immensely so,” Rias replied. “You would be quite safe with us.”

Harry had already been considering her offer, but that last point sealed it.  Surviving the dragon was his current concern, but if he could find a way to get rid of Voldemort for good and ensure that neither he nor anyone else would ever end up in the lunatic’s crosshairs again as well, there was no way that he wasn’t going to take that deal.

“So the deal is that I become your servant in exchange for the power to deal with the dragon?” Harry asked.

“No,” Rias said. “Becoming my servant would give you that power.  In exchange for that gift, I want something else.”

“What do you want?” Harry asked, his resignation clear in his voice. “I should have known it couldn’t be that simple.”

“In exchange for granting you the power to survive this tournament, I want you to take my virginity,” Rias said.

Harry just blinked a couple times as his brain tried to process what he had just heard.  Convinced that he was either asleep, had misheard her, or had cracked under the pressure, he just sat there in silence for a solid moment.

“I’m sorry, would you mind repeating that?” is what Harry wanted to say.  What he actually said was “wasahuh?”

“You didn’t mishear me,” Rias said, sounding amused.  Her amusement quickly faded as she said,“just like you were entered into a contract against your will, my parents are currently trying to enter me into one.  The man they want me to marry is one of the most vile and wretched creatures I’ve ever met, and I refuse to just lay back and take it.”

“You want me to…” Harry tried to ask, his brain still playing catch-up.

“Yes,” Rias said. “I need to be a virgin for the contract, so if I lose it before they enter me into the damn thing, there’s nothing they can do about it.”

“Why do you need to be a virgin?” Harry asked, that one odd point breaking him out of his reverie. “Aren’t devils all about corruption and promiscuity?”

“We’re also not above hypocrisy,” Rias said flatly. “Whether human, devil, or anything else, a man wants to be his wife’s first and preferably only lover.”

“Why me?” Harry asked. “Why not some other devil?”

“No devil would dare risk bringing the wrath of the House of Phenex down on them,” Rias said. “As my servant, you would officially become a part of the House of Gremory, however, and even my parents would be forced to acknowledge that.”

“Your parents couldn’t disown you over this?” Harry asked.

“They could, but they won’t,” Rias replied. “For one thing, as furious as they’re going to be with me over this, it won’t be something that they can’t get over.  Beyond that, though, they’re lucky to have two children, and as my brother has ascended to a higher office, I’m the only heir they’re likely to have.”

“Um, I’ve never…” Harry couldn’t bring himself to finish that sentence.

“So I gathered,” Rias said dryly, “and I don’t care.  Frankly, you could last a second and still do enough damage to get me out of this mess.  So what do you say?”

“Yes,” Harry said.

What else could he say other than “pinch me?”

Rias’ grin turned positively feral, and she said, “good.”

Without another word, she pounced on him, and for the first time in his life, Harry found himself kissing a girl.  Her lips pressed against his as her body did the same, and he was blown away by just how good even that simple kiss felt.  Acting on pure instinct, he wrapped her arms around her and returned the kiss as best he could, just trying to mimic what she had done back to her.  She deepened the kiss, invading his mouth with her long, dexterous tongue, and he brought his own to tangle with it.  When her thigh brushed against his almost painfully hard cock, he moaned into her mouth and was startled when he felt her go as stiff as he was.

“What the hell?” Rias asked, reaching down to feel up his cock with her hand.

“Oh fuck!” Harry groaned as he felt someone other than himself touch his cock for the first time.  He was so caught up in the foreign but very welcome sensations that it took him a moment to realize that Rias had a mixture of confusion and concern on her face.  When he finally noticed, he asked, “what’s wrong?”

“Um, is this all your cock?” Rias asked.

“Yeah…” Harry replied, confused by the question.

“No way,” Rias muttered, and her hand was quickly enveloped by red light again.

Harry jerked back as his clothes were removed instantly, reappearing behind him, and he almost covered himself on pure instinct.  His sudden shock was mirrored by Rias’ as she stared in obvious apprehension at his rock-hard cock.

“Wow, that’s, um…” Rias stammered. “That’s not what I was expecting.”

“What’s wrong with it?” Harry asked defensively, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

“You...surely you know how big you are, right?” Rias asked, looking up at him in surprise.

“It’s not like I’ve seen any others,” Harry said. “Am I really that weird?”

“Well, let’s just say…” Rias said, reaching out to place her hand against his cock.  Harry moaned as she pressed it against his flat stomach and said, “the average human cock comes up to about here.”

He looked down at the line she was holding her hand against, and his eyes widened at just how many inches lay beyond that.

“You’re incredibly thick too,” Rias sighed, wrapping her hand around his shaft. “My fingers don’t even touch.”

“I guess I really am a freak,” Harry snorted, unsure how to feel.

“It’s not a bad thing, really,” Rias said. “I’m just worried about getting you to fit, this being my first time and all.”

“Is there any way to make that easier?” Harry asked, honestly having no clue.

“Lube would help if we had any,” Rias replied. “As it is, I guess we’ll just need to focus on foreplay.  No one knows that I’m here, and the only person who was in the room when you summoned me will keep her mouth shut for a while, so we shouldn’t have to worry about being interrupted.”

Pulling back, Rias waved her hand over her body, and Harry stared in slack-jawed shock as her clothes disappeared and joined his own at the foot of his bed.  She was perfect; there was no other word.  Flawless from head to toe, she had an hourglass figure that even the likes of Fleur Delacour likely couldn’t match.  Her firm and incredibly perky breasts were large in general, and with her tiny waist, they looked massive.  Her wide hips, thick thighs, and long, shapely legs were also gorgeous, and Harry groaned when she stood up and twirled around, giving him a view of her equally amazing arse.

“I’d say you look heavenly, but…” Harry quipped, earning a laugh from the redhead.

“I’m anything but,” Rias chuckled, and Harry’s eyes widened as two bat-like wings appeared on her back.

“Wow,” Harry said, leaning in to get a closer look. “Could I…”

“Just be gentle,” Rias said, and then shivered as he ghosted his hands over her black wings. “I must say, I expected you to be more interested in these.”

Harry shuddered as she picked up her large breasts in her hands and pressed them together.  She took his hands from her wings and placed them there, sighing as he cupped the soft mounds.  They were a little heavier than he expected, and he marveled at how simultaneously soft and firm they felt.

“Ahh, just like that,” Rias sighed.

Harry saw her small pink nipples grow harder as he continued to knead and massage her breasts and circled one of them with his thumb.  When she whimpered, he took that as a good sign and gently pinched the hard nub.

“Fuck!” Rias hissed.

With a grin, Harry moved in and closed his lips around the other nipple, flicking his tongue over it.  When he started sucking on the peak, Rias’ hands wrapped around the back of his head, her fingers burrowing into his messy black hair as she held him to her chest.  He trailed one of his hands down her side until he reached her hip and moved around to cup her arse.  Her breathing grew heavy as he switched to her other nipple, sucking gently on it, and she cried out when he accidentally grazed it with his teeth.

“Come here!” Rias ordered, pulling him up.

She kissed him, and he felt confident enough to take the initiative that time, plunging his tongue into her mouth and coaxing her own out to play.  As they dueled for dominance, she flipped them over and started grinding her pussy on his cock.

“Oh God!” Harry cried.

“Not even close,” Rias purred with a deep, throaty laugh that he swore he felt in his cock.

“Rias, I’m not going to last with you doing that,” Harry groaned.

“I’m pretty confident I could get you hard again, but I guess you don’t want to cover yourself in your own cum,” Rias said, smirking.  Tracing her nails up along his abdomen, she said, “you’re rather cute, you know.  You’re handsome with a pair of seriously gorgeous eyes, and you’ve got some pretty nice definition here and on your arms.  With some training, I think you could end up being a total hunk.”

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Harry said earnestly. “Even the paintings of other devils in that book don’t compare.”

“Paintings?” Rias asked.

“The book I borrowed, the one that explained how to summon devils, contained a few animated paintings of the ones the author had summoned,” Harry said.

“I’d like to see it sometime,” Rias said, “but we have better things to do right now.  I’m wetter than I was, but I still don’t feel confident enough to try and take this monster cock of yours.”

Harry felt a surge of pride at how she complimented his cock and said, “I wasn’t done.”

Flipping them back over, he returned to worshiping her breasts when he noticed something that he hadn’t before.  A scent, something that he hadn’t smelled before and yet made his cock throb even harder, was coming from Rias.  Realizing that it was coming form lower down, he started planting a trail of hot kisses down her flat abdomen until he reached her sex, getting his first view of a woman’s pussy.

Rias was entirely hairless between her legs, so Harry could see all of her mound, including her rather fleshy nether lips.  That intoxicating scent he had smelled before was coming from her pussy, he realized, and it was making his mouth water.

“Taste me,” Rias sighed. “Please.”

She didn’t have to tell him twice, and he was rewarded with a loud, lewd moan from the crimson-haired beauty when he gave her a long lick from bottom to top.  He moaned at the taste, finding her delectable, and immediately began feasting on her.  She gripped his black locks again, her nails teasing his scalp as she enjoyed his ministrations.  Her thighs clamped around his head, and Harry looked up to see her looking utterly blissful.

“So enthusiastic!” Rias giggled, sounding pleased.

“You taste so good,” Harry said, pausing from what he was doing only long enough to get those words out.

With his eyes locked on her face, he was able to see her breasts jiggle as she laughed at the compliment and groaned.

“You’re not bad for a first-timer,” Rias said. “You see that little nub at the top?  The one that looks like it’s being mostly covered by a hood.”

“Mmhmm,” Harry replied.

“That’s my clit,” Rias said. “Try swirling your tongue all around it without touching it directly yet.”

When he did as she asked, she cried out in pleasure, and her grip on his head tightened.

“Oh, fuck!” Rias moaned. “Just like that.”

Despite what Snape thought, Harry was capable of following instructions, particularly when they were simple and came from someone as alluring as Rias Gremory.  He continued to eat her out, paying close attention to what she liked most.  He didn’t spend all of his time on her clit, trying to see what else really worked, and before long she was moaning in pleasure pretty constantly.

“You’ve got a gift,” Rias said after a while. “It was obvious this was your first time when you started, but now...oh fuck...now you’re doing as well as Akeno.”

“Who?” Harry asked, taking a short break.

“My best friend,” Rias replied. “You’ll meet her after you’ve become a part of my peerage.”

“Her?” Harry asked, feeling his cock throb at the thought of Rias having sex with another girl.

“You like that?” Rias asked, looking amused. “Maybe if you’re really good, I’ll let you watch us.”

“Fuck!” Harry groaned, making her laugh.

“Just this morning, I had her tied to my bed and was torturing her with a vibrator,” Rias purred. “I denied her her orgasm over and over again until she was begging me.”

“What’s a vibrator?” Harry asked.

“You really are sheltered, huh?” Rias asked. “It’s a human sex toy that, as the name would suggest, vibrates.  It feels wonderful when pressed against my pussy.”

That gave Harry an idea.  He did, after all, know something that could vibrate, though he wasn’t sure if he could force himself to speak parseltongue.  Going back down on Rias, he flicked his tongue back and forth across her clit while picturing a snake in his mind.

“Testing,” he said to himself.

“Huh?” Rias asked.

Ignoring her, he focused a little more intensely on the image and said, “testing.”

“FUCK!” Rias shrieked at the top of her lungs, her thick thighs clamping down hard around his head as pleasure assaulted her senses.

Harry continued speaking the language of the snakes directly into her overflowing pussy, keeping his eyes on her face so he could watch her reaction.  Rias went from looking shocked and confused to overwhelmed and ecstatic as she soared towards her orgasm.  Her body started to shake as the pressure grew more and more intense, and as it finally broke, her back arched off the bed, and she squealed so loudly that Harry was glad her thighs were pressed against his ears.

“AAHHH!” Rias screamed after taking a breath, the waves of soul-searing pleasure continuing to wrack her entire body.

Her juices gushed from her cunt, and Harry worked to drink down as much of her nectar as he could, moving down to her overflowing opening.  He pushed his long tongue, which he had always felt was rather freakish as a child, as far inside her as it could, tasting her even more deeply.  He continued making it vibrate within her, and as it happened to brush against a rough little patch inside her, Rias’ reaction was immediate.

“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Rias shrieked, her whole body convulsing like she was being tortured.

Her massive tits jiggled as her whole body shook, and she squirted all over him, drenching his face.  Her fluids ran down his chin onto the bed below, and Harry finally pulled back after the second, even stronger climax began to wind down.  Rubbing his jaw, he grabbed his wand and quickly dried the bed.

“What...what...what?” Rias tried to ask as she panted for breath, seemingly unable to form complete sentences just yet.

“Parseltongue,” Harry replied, figuring that was what she was trying to ask. “I can talk to snakes, and my tongue vibrates when I do.  I figured it would feel good.”

“Good...doesn’t even begin...to describe that,” Rias panted, her body continuing to twitch occasionally.

“I’m just glad that I finally found a use for it,” Harry said, enjoying the sight of his buxom lover’s flushed body.  He owed Luna a great deal for this alone.

“Lie down on the bed,” Rias said. “I would normally have insisted on having my first time be on my back, but with your dick being that big, I should probably be on top, at least at first.

Having no problem with that, Harry laid down next to her, and she embraced him immediately, kissing him deeply.  As their tongues entwined and began to duel for dominance, it occurred to Harry that Rias was tasking herself on his lips and tongue and found the idea hot.  She’d already spoken of sleeping with another woman, but it still made the idea more real for him.  He cupped her breasts with his hands as she moved to straddle him, sinking his fingers into the soft flesh and groaning at how much he already loved them.

They hung so high on her chest for their size and were so impossibly firm.  Harry wondered how long they’d stay that way, knowing, as he did from Luna’s book, that devils could live for millenia and look youthful throughout their lives.  As he felt the soft, warm, fleshy orbs, he wondered how it would feel to bury his cock between them.  He knew she wouldn’t say yes, even if she was willing to try it, being too focused on losing her virginity, but hoped that he might get another chance to ask.

“Alright,” Rias said as she lined herself up with his cock. “This is it.”

She still sounded apprehensive, and he caressed her arm softly, giving her a reassuring smile.

“Just go as slowly as you need to,” Harry said.

“I’ll probably be fine,” Rias said. “I’m as wet as I physically can be and as a devil, I’m probably just built for this.  You’re just a lot to take in.  Pun not actually intended.”

Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her tenderly.  Rias smiled at him and lowered herself down.  The both of them gasped as he slipped inside her.  Rias was so surprised at the ease of the penetration that she slipped and took the rest of him in one long slide.

“Oh fuck!” she cried.

She felt unbelievably good, beyond Harry’s and possibly all mortal comprehension.  She was so hot, so wet, and so fucking tight that Harry was blown away immediately.  If he had had any experience at all, he would have known that the way that her perfect pussy was sucking him in wasn’t normal by human standards, and he might have been ableto withstand it for more than a moment.  As it was, all he could do was bury his face in her neck and groan as he came, filling her with rope after rope of his cum.  He collapsed back, taking her with him, and wished that he could curl into a ball or, better yet, climb into a hole in the ground and never come back up.  He had cum the second he was buried inside her, and he didn’t know if he had ever felt like more of a loser.

“It’s okay,” Rias said, raking her nails gently along his scalp. “It was your first time, and you endured a hell of a lot of buildup before I put you inside me, not to mention that you made me cum harder than I have in my entire life with that magic tongue of yours.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Her words did make him feel better, and he began to stroke her back with his hands, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin under his fingertips.  He kept his eyes closed, just enjoying the feeling of relief and satisfaction that flooded his body.  As he continued running his hands over Rias, however, he realized that he could almost see her in his mind, not as though he was imagining her, but as though he truly could see her.  More than that, he could sense her body in a way that he didn’t quite understand, feeling spots that he knew would be very sensitive to stimulation, as well as spots that were tense.  Bringing his hands up to her shoulders, he started prodding the tense spots there and was quickly rewarded with sighs of pleasure.

“Ah, that feels good,” Rias moaned as she felt the tension in her shoulders melt away under his simple touch.

Harry opened his eyes and looked down at her, realizing that he could almost see that he had managed to completely relax her slightly tight muscles.  He also realized then that he had never softened inside her and flipped her onto her back.

“Ah!” Rias gasped, looking up at him in surprise.

“I know I’ve technically taken your virginity, but I think I should actually fuck you too,” Harry said, grinning.

“If you think you can,” Rias said challengingly, a grin on her face as well.

Harry pulled half of his cock from her clinging depths and thrust back inside hard, making her moan.  Acting on instincts he had never known he had, he began fucking her hard, and when he sensed that there was a very sensitive spot deep inside her that he was just barely missing, he changed his angle and hit it directly, feeling his cock slip inside what felt like a little pocket inside her.

“Ah fuck!” Rias screamed. “Right there!”

He started hitting that spot on every thrust and picked up his pace until he was truly pounding the devil under him.  Her breasts rolled and jiggled against his chest as he leaned in, burying his face in the crook of her neck.  His strange new instincts hadn’t failed him yet, and just as he had been sure that there was a spot deep inside her that he should hit, he was sure that one of her sensitive erogenous zones was there.  Bringing his lips to her neck, he began sucking gently on that spot, and her reaction was immediate.

“HARRY!” Rias squealed at the top of her lungs, her nails raking down his back as pleasure consumed her.

The feeling of her inhumanly tight pussy spasming around his cock was incredible, and he was surprised that he didn’t cum again despite his recent orgasm, but he found that he suddenly had significant control over his pleasure and was able to fuck the screaming vixen through her titanic climax.

“That was...wait...are you still…” Rias panted.

“I’m nowhere near done with you,” Harry said, his voice deep and rumbling as he looked her right in the eye.

Rias stared back at him wide-eyed, looking like she was wondering what kind of monster she had created.  Harry didn’t know what had come over him either, but he wasn’t about to question it, not when he had far better things to do with his time.

Like fucking Rias Gremory’s brains out.


“YES, YES, YES, YES!” Rias screamed into the sheets as she came yet again, her voice rough and hoarse from overuse. She was lying prone on the bed as Harry took her from behind, his hips making her wonderfully plump arse jiggle every time his hips smacked it.

Harry didn’t know how long he had been fucking her for at this point, though it could easily have been hours from how tired he felt.  The two of them had both cum multiple times, three times for him and countless more for her.  She was an exhausted wreck, drenched in sweat from head to toe.  It had been a while since he had heard her use a word with more than one syllable, but then, neither of them were very talkative in that moment.

Feeling himself reaching his limit again, Harry let go with a roar of her name, filling her tight tunnel with even more of his cum and collapsed on top of her, barely managing to hold himself up.  He buried his face in her sweat-dampened hair and breathed in her scent as he panted for breath, feeling like that might actually be his limit.  As his overused cock finally softened, he rolled over, and she immediately dragged herself over to rest her head on his chest.

“So...good,” she panted and Harry closed his eyes, lazily running his fingers through her hair as he waited for sleep to claim him.

“I must say that I didn’t expect you to stoop to this level, Rias,” a cold, emotionless voice said,shocking him out of her near-sleep.

Harry opened his eyes to see that the curtains around his bed had been thrown open, and a silver-haired woman in a French maid outfit was glaring down at them.

Huh?” was the only thought his tired brain managed.



Love this start and concept

Pen Jr. Jr.

Damn, this had me checking if you had Chapter 2 on a higher tier. Great start, interesting concept.