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The  rewards will be sent out in a couple of days. My apologies for the serious lateness; it has been caused by an explosion in render times. Usually it takes about 20 minutes per frame, but these new shots have taken 1.5-2 hours. I'm not sure whats causing this blowout; i do notice that the cpu usage never goes above 25% anymore so it may be damaged hardware? Whatever the cause is its transitory as my new computer will be rendering future shots.

Also, i will be turning off payments at the end of the month. You will not be charged as I will be unable to meet the standard for a reward that I am happy with. I will only accept pledges when I have been able to work an honest amount of time (at the current tier, thats part time ;).

My contract work this month has been lucrative but eaten up a lot of time, and I'll be away for a slice of next month, so it makes sense for me to combine the work over two fractured months into one reasonably sized reward the following month. Trust me, i would be leaving ~2.5k on the table if I could see another way ;)

A very special thanks to those who asked if they could still pledge even though there will be no reward next month! Im truly honoured that you are willing to do that; but it's unnecessary. This website isn't really set up for that (it's all or nothing) , and while i'm steadily working on it, I don't feel like I’ve earned any such money as yet .

Thanks all! Ill send out a note once last month's rewards have been. Delivered <3



Thanks for your work dude.


Thanks for the update and enjoy your time away! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have prepared!


I'd definitely like to be able to contribute. Hmm...maybe next time when you turn on payments, I will pay double the amount! I will do that. You deserve every dime, in my opinion. Like I 've always said, you're an incredible artist and I know many of us are willing to contribute, even if we didn't get a reward for the month or so. You're worth it and we know it helps you do more of what you enjoy, which in turn, let's us see more of what you enjoy doing cause we enjoy it too!


<a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8oQ2FmCMAIR3qI.jpg:large" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8oQ2FmCMAIR3qI.jpg:large</a>