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And the votes are in, and with a 49% voter participation you guys have spoken! In a nail biting, preference driven come from behind win, Wolf has won.

This the preferential system at work; although lizard got more votes by far, more people prefered the wolf. Once all of the split votes consolidated, it was a fairly comfortable 6% victory.

The REAL contest happened in round 8, with the final 3. Wolf beat fox by less than 3%; which is around 6 weighted votes. That is literally 2 voters away from a high enough tier; or one alternate vote from one of the highest two tiers. Had fox won that round, it would have gone on to beat lizard on preferences as well. Fox came from third last to nearly win.

But it didn't. Wolf did.

Congratulations wolf! I will begin modelling her this month, and depending on what happens, you might start to see her in the animation in the next month's rewards ^^. Thanks everyone who voted! This was a lot of fun.

Some analysis for nerds like me who might be interested. Thanks to CtrlAltElte for making these graphs (and the voting tally scripts!):



This graph shows how people voted. Each colour represents the preference from 1-10, and how many people placed it at that preference.

verdict: unpopular

Chipmunk didn't do too poorly in the primaries, but more than a third of people put it in their last two preferences, so it was never going to get enough to win.

verdict: Universally popular

Wolf won, so it goes without saying that it preferenced well, with more than 50% of voters putting it in their top 3. Although its first preferences were nothing special, finishing third, its preference flow whisked it to victory.

verdict: Unpopular

CalIco cat was so unpopular only one person voted 1 for it, and therefore it had very little impact on the vote. Aside from that, it preferenced very similarly to Chipmunk, with a statistically huge number of people preferencing it third last, for which I have no explanation :s

verdict: mildly controversial.

Most people preferenced Horse in their early or later votes, with very few people giving it mid-ranged preferences, meaning it polarised voters. It's not quite 'love it or hate it', but it is very much 'like it or dislike it'.  Until the last day of voting, horse was finishing fourth, but too many people preferenced it near the end of their ballot for it to ever fully contend.

verdict: mildly popular.

Almost 70% of voters put snow leopard in their top 5 preferences, which places it firmly to the popular side of the ledger. However, these preferences were biased towards the 4th and 5th level preferences, meaning that it was going to have trouble reaching 50%.

verdict: Universally loved

The fox is a very strange one. Firstly, even though the lizard got 5 times more first preference votes, more people put it in their top 3 than anyone else. It had an inexplicably low number of first preferences, and one which was, until the last day, seeing it eliminated in the third round. Luckily, one person voted for fox in the last day, and this was enough to keep it in the game long enough for its insanely strong preference flow to catapult it up.

However, it finished 6 votes shy of wolf in the third round despite this; meaning that it finished third even though it has the strongest preference flow of all the options. So close, but so far

verdict: loved, but somewhat controversial.

Lizard started off only needed about 20% of preferences flow, but failed to do so, choking in the final round to finish second.

An amazing number of people preferenced it first, more than twice as many as the next highest option. However, it also had the third highest number of people preferencing it last, choking its preference flow. This was very costly in the end.

verdict: meh, ok.

more people put lioness in their top 5 than didn't; but it received a fairly equal number of voters putting it in their top, middle, and last preferences. It was always going to last a while, but would never have had the preference flow needed to outright win.

verdict: meh.

Very few people put the coyote in their top 2 or bottom 2; instead putting it in the middle 6 in a remarkably even allocation. This means that no one loved it, and no one hated it. It was just there. Bland.

verdict: hated.

The rat had a few people voting in its favour, but only about 40% put it in their top 5, and an amazing number of people put it dead last. It didn't matter how many rounds rat lasted; with that sort of a preference flow, it was always a dead man (or woman) walking.

I'll leave you with this depiction of the results made by the character artist, spider da squirrel:





Dang, Liz was going strong for the whole thing o( >3< )o


Damn canines :b


Aw, you're still #1 in my heart, Rat.


Good. Lizard was the least cute one.


Poor lizard 😝 that wolf is a meanie... Great roundup as usual. IRV method, best method!

Draco of Zeradaith

That's a really interesting analysis! TBH I wasn't too worried about what species she became because I'm just excited to see him continue to grow!! :D ;3


So Renamon is being replaced in Andre's growth sequence with a fully female model. Shoot, ah well.


I'll stay excited for the magical growth cumming up ;D

Wolfie Randolf

mmm, I like the way this is going. I almost feel like someone should console the poor lizard though :(. Hard to loose like that. Heh... and with a wolf gloating. yesh.

Cameron Holmes

Well it was fun being a patron while it lasted