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I sent out the rewards for december; please send me a note if you didn't get any when you should have! As I said earlier, they are a week late, and a bit lighter than normal. I apologise for that as the holiday period was very hectic, but I did manage to get some rewards out which I think are worthwhile ^^. Januarys rewards may or may not be a few days late to give me some extra time to work on the coming rewards; I'll let you guys know at the end of the month how I am looking on that front. If it is late, it won't be as late as this month though!

Please note: If you joined on january 1 or after, then you are a part of next months reward cycle, and won't get this months rewards :( There is a new feature allowing me to give the options for patreons to pay immediatley (thus getting the rewards), but I am a bit wary of enabeling it. First off, because it can't be undone once it is in. Secondly, I don't know how it will work; different tiers get different links, and I can't be sure that it will be able to handle that. Thirdly, I don't know if I will be able to service these payments quickly enough if I have to manually send the links. Because I am often away for a few days at a time, its possible that someone might pay and then have to wait several days before getting links, which seems unfair. 

On the other hand, it is a bit annoying (to say the least) to pledge at the beginning of a month and then have to wait the rest of that month before seeing any rewards, even if you haven't paid any money yet.

Any feedback on what you guys think I should do about that would be appreciated!

Thanks for supporting me again everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I am making ^^