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Hey all! I thought I should write a quick post to explain how my patreon will work, since I have a lot of first time supporters <3

At the end of today, you'll be charged what you have currently pledged. The majority of the payments come through to my page in the first day; however some payments will take longer, up to 5 days.

I send out the rewards after this period; which is usually the 5th. However, some months they might come through a day or two later, as I might be waiting on a render to finish which I want to bundle in with the rewards. I'll notify this page whenever that is the case.

The actual rewards will depend on the level you have pledged. In the past few months, I have sent out stills and video WIPS to everyone; however please note that this will now be dependent on your chosen tier. There is no new HD video for this month, so those who are in the $10+ tiers will get a link to the combined HD dragon growth animation.

If your payment doesn't go through, then no links will be sent out. However,  if this is the case then please get in touch with me as I'm always keen to work something out. Things go wrong for all sorts of reasons, and I'm not one for withholding stuff for things that are often beyond your control ^^.

Please ask if you have any questions or would like any further clarification!


Midnight Yamikidate

so for clarification: we pay tonight (it gets taken out from however we pay) but it may take until the 5th to actually show we pledged?


Sounds pretty much spot on. I think the 5 day payments are some types of credit card.


do the $5 tier people get finished videos in non-HD?


No; those videos are already publically available so I don't see any value in linking them? Though I'm open to suggestions ^^


I support you since August 2 (1$ / month, symbolic but I like what you do) it means that unfortunately I have nothing before September: '(


so have you send out the rewards or are they coming today?


I'm sure there in the process of being rendered, packaged, encoded and organised. They'll arrive soon 😉


I can't give you the rewards, but check your notes as you wont be leaving empty handed ^^