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As I mentioned in this months readmes, I have another three areas in the animation which I am hoping I will get the chance to revisit. I want to be opaque with this, so it doesn't look from the outside that I am endlessly tinkering with a project that is already taking a long, long time to finish.

So this is a list of my plans, and why. I won't be working on these just yet, as getting to the end of the animation is my current focus; but I might organise some mocap for the first two soon.

Please let me know what you think; I won't put up a vote, at least for now, but if I get the sense that there is a sizable resistance from you guys, I will reconsider these.





I like all these ideas especially the growth pacing concept. Keep up your awesome vision. I hopefully "perfection vision" doesn't cause burnout, but instead inspiration and joyful drive


All of these changes seem fair and perfectly reasonable as goals. As you’ve already said, you don’t plan on constantly revisiting old scenes. I fully support these ideas, and look forward to whatever month they get added.


This will eventually extend the awesome animation. Do as you please with these. It's not only a job but a hobby. Despite it taking longer I think you should he able to change as you see fit. These all sound like excellent ideas.


Regarding the second scene, you could go with a situation where the phaser is actually still recharging. So Chester picks it up, tries to fire it but it doesn't work, not knowing it still needs time. Then, later on, the phaser beeps, light turns green and it's ready to fire again. The way you have the later phaser scene animated would already work perfectly for such a visual cue and if you eventually add sounds, an audible beep would also alert Chester to it. I think that would actually add a nice bit of flavor to the animation, as the viewer intially assumes that there's no more forthcoming from the phaser until it surprisingly recharges.


Regarding the third scene, the orgasm on the floor, what if instead of the wild flailing, he notices instead how much bigger than his cage he is right then and there, putting a large grin on his face. He could then either roll into his back with a self-satisfied smirk or aim his release at the cage.


dude... thats fucking brilliant. Would be a good reason why it suddenly re-enters his mind too. Lemme think about this XD. Perhaps I could find a way to put it in the gun interface.


These sound like good additions but I think it's time to move on from the two current projects. I can't help feel that this and dragon growth have got too complicated relative to the amount of time your able to spend on them.


Im gonna have to heavily disagree if we want something good like this were gonna have to wait he may not be the fastest content creator but he makes the best stuff ive ever seen to see him give up on these project would be terrible plus your assuming he'll suddenly be faster for the other ones witch i dont think he will he puts quality over quantity


I should have worded my comment more carefully: I didn't mean that he should 'give up' completely but rather complete what he has already started and finish the animation, then he can move onto the next project whatever that may be. I'm just a tad concerned that endless adjustments/additions will go on ad infinitum. I remember a poll about how to end MLK, that was back in 2018.

Barkley Beaver

I personally would rather see more continuation before making adjustments to already existing scenes.


Its a valid concern! I wouldn't say they have become too complicated, but they have certainly became too long. If I were to release them in ~2 minute chunks then I could get something out a (normal) year. I am planning on doing that after this ones. More episodic, more frequent.


I like this one too, but it will be a bit more difficult to tell that story. I will think about it; this has given me an idea for a similar concept. I do like the callbacks with the props as you have suggested both times here. Thank you, your ideas are great ^^

Fal Chavamee

Sounds like all good ideas! But yeah I think finishing should come first, then touch up. Then a new animation! Maybe this is the wrong place for this but how about some sort of female growth animation?


Personally I would like to see these projects done in their full length, then move on to final polishes and additions. I've been following these projects that have been in development for years and I've been very eager to see them complete. Not that I'm impatient; I don't mind the wait for such quality work, just would like to see the whole story complete, then I'm down to see some revisions. Just my opinion. (also: I sent some messages a few months ago regarding some questions, I didn't know if you received them.)

Barkley Beaver

Exactly. I'd at least like to see a complete rough draft animation before the end of the Biden administration.


If mocap speeds up the creation process I'm all for it


Also its worth noting, he can noticeably beef up as a transition if youve already blocked out a scene. I know I wont object to seeing more beef on that growing frame 😈


Does the poor guy ever get his snack? This all happened because the little guy just wanted some chips, which makes me think he is hungry. There is no food or water in/on his cage. I say cruelty to Kaiju!


Lol, that is something I am planning on returning to at the very end yes ^^


Lol, savage but fair ^^. I could potentially do some stills for the remaining narrative, but the issue is it would be throw away work because it's all from the one camera so I don't have that level of control over the staging. The blackouts on DGA suit its development. Still, it's something I could possibly do if people wanted to see where it's going.


I would very much love to see it continue further more because that was a huge cliff hanger lol 😆 can't wait to see


If he would become more muscular. Just a bigger Biceps, Sixpack, Breast and Shoulder? I guess he would love it. =)


Maybe a bigger package to go with it 😉


I wonder if there will be rewards in March