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First and foremost:
For the first time, I won't have a HD video to share this month :( I am working on parts 4 and 1, and they are both WIPS so I have nothing fresh to offer. I'll be linking to the parts 1,2 and 3 video again, so my supporters will still get something.

For everyone else, you may want to consider your level of support for this month, as I would hate anyone to feel short-changed. 

As for the progress videos: I have mostly been animating part 1 this month; and have about 17 extra seconds rendered to add to the spoiler. I'll be doing some work on part 4 this weekend though, and I'll be streaming that. I'll try and post the time I'll be doing that closer to the date; there's a few things I have to juggle this weekend

Thanks everyone for their support! By all means, please let me know if you's like anything clarified or have any feedback!

Cheers <3



I'm fairly certain we're all here to encourage you to do your best work, not just rush something out to appease us :). Keep up the good work. (Us cheetah will handle the 'speed' for ya ^^)


No worries dude, look forward to anything your working on really!


The spoiler sounds exciting! And I'm happy to be (just) at the top level of support, since what's been produced has been amazingly good. You really seem to jibe with what I feel is the most exciting (and erotic) depiction of continuous growth spurts. :D


Nah it's cool. Just do whatcha gotta do. ^^


Don't sweat it, you're already working so hard on this there's no WAY we could ever get mad at you! Not that we ever would in the first place! :P Just relax and please take your time on things. We're all your friends and we love you so no need to bend over backwards on our behalf! Just have fun with it! We definitely do and want you to as well. ;D