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Hello everyone! Sorry for the delayed update; I've been a bit overwhelmed of late!

As you may have noticed, I disabled payments this month. I wasn't able to make good progress, so there will be no payment or rewards for February. As for the March rewards (the next coming cycle); it looks unlikely, but I will make an announcement later in the month once I know where I am at with it.

I am learning a lot with my new baby! He is going well, but he has become the main focus of my time, and more importantly, energy. I thought that I would be able to work a lot on patreon while he sleeps at night, but the reality is that because I am running on less sleep, I just don't have the energy to focus on work most nights. This will no doubt get better once he sleeps through the night and I am able to sleep more than 4 hours a day; but for now, my patreon progress is fairly slow.

I have made some progress; I have added some more animation to the last shot I worked on, and I have had Tyco helping out with some more of the rig swap shots; but this is obviously not enough to have a rewards cycle with. I will keep chipping away at it when I can! And I won't charge for a rewards cycle until there is reasonable progress/hours invested in my end!

So yeah, please understand that while my productivity is low at the moment, it is not because I am abandoning or losing interest in the projects; its just that I have had a major life change which I need to absorb, and will get back to things as soon as they have settled!

For New Members:
If you have recently signed up, and been charged, but cant see the posts linking to the rewards; please let me know! I don't know how the hiatus feature works on Patreon beyond simply disabling payments; hopefully it is smart about it and lets you see posts from the last pay period (the rewards); but I want to make sure! You should never be charged and not receive content; let me know if you think this happens.

Cheers! <3



Glad to hear all is going well enough for y'all and the little durg! Here's to you getting those full nights of sleep once again... Whenever that might be, hahah!


Hope things settle down for y'all!

Damien B.

Children tend to become semi-independent by about their 4th year of life, so keep your chin up and keep beong an awesome dad. ^w^


Just checking in to see how you and your family are faring. I hope you're all safe and healthy!


Are you doing okay?


I am thanks! A little stretched thin and underslept, but in the grand scheme of things I am doing well considering the world XD I hope you're doing OK too!


we are thanks! We are in NY, which is a global epicentre of the outbreak; but we haven't left our house in 5 or 6 weeks. Been working from home and looking after baby; its kind of nice being able to stay home during this period actually, but it is hard work lol. I hope you are doing well too!


lol, I have been hoping things get a bit easier each month. So far, they kind of have. Its still pretty intensive though XD