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Hello everyone! Its time for an overdue update! There is some biggish news and a road map for the first few months of the year; so please give it a read, even if it is on the long side. If you have any questions or issues then please do not hesitate to ask!!!


Rewards will be coming out before the end of January. November's rewards came out at the end of the year, so I'm running very late on this cycle and will cancel the next in order to catch up. I could release rewards now, but I would rather wait the extra week or so, as there is a chance that I will be able to get more done over that period of time. 

I've had a few personal distractions this month (which I will touch on later), but I have also had a lot of people helping me out in various areas as well this month, so there should be a decent enough rewards cycle :) I'm listing everything we have worked on (which WILL be in the rewards), as well as everything we are currently working on (which MAY be in the rewards, in whole or part).

What is done:

- DGA shot 082 (polish from blockout; this is a modified a shot from the original animation)

- DGA shot 048 (rig swap)

- DGA shot 056 (rig swap)

- MLK VR WIP project (focused mainly on features, such as playback controls and starting position/scale. There is a standard PC build for those without a VR set who are curious.) 

- MLK restructured chesters rig (no new animation to show; just backend. It was done to streamline both the VR project, as well as the remaining animation) 

What is currently work in progress:

- DGA Shot 065 (just getting started on this one tonight)

- DGA Shot 037 (rig swap; was handed over to Tyco for cleanup last night)

- DGA Andre's strap rig; Neo has agreed to rig up the straps. I haven't gotten an update on his progress yet tho.

- MLK Chester art upgrade (has had the low poly mesh fixed up, awaiting a pass on his scales and texture details)

- Fenrir model WIP has had some progress on his body model, but Zcythe spent most of his time this month on the VR project.


will be deactivated. No one will be charged for January. I'm a month behind so I will skip this month.


For those that do not know, I am about to become a father. My wife will be giving birth any day now, and this will have an impact on my time and sleeping patterns :s. It is possible that I will not be able to get rewards out in these two months; but it is also possible I could get out one or two. I will be taking some time off of work for Paternity leave in February. If the house is clean, and wife and baby are sleeping and happy, then I might actually get a lot of time to do patreon! I think, at this stage, that between myself and the help that I am getting, that I should be able to get at least one round of rewards out for these two months, but I can't yet promise.


We will be going to Australia in April with our new family to meet our old family, so it is extremely unlikely there will be rewards in April.


I am hoping that once May comes around, I will be able to get back into a more regular patreon cycle. If baby is sleeping to a schedule by then, and I have enough people helping me out, then its possible that there will be a resumption of normality :). If things aren't going quite as smooth, then I might need a little bit more of a ramp up into that.

The main point I want to communicate is that while I will have new priorities and demands on my time, I still want to take this patreon seriously, and continue to push to finish the current projects strongly. I will never take money for a cycle that hasn't taken a decent step towards this, so when I do cancel a cycle, it doesn't mean that I am not working on it. I hope you understand, and don't get frustrated with a comparative slow down in progress over the coming months <3.


At the moment I plan on sending out the pins during my paternity leave; so keep a look out for me asking for addresses in the coming weeks. (I did originally plan on doing this over the Christmas break; my apologies for not being able to follow through on that. I ended up spending that whole holiday on shot 067 :s).


Once I have the straps rigged and can model them on Andre, I will follow through with the vote on which ones will be in the final animation. At which point I will be adding their animations to the backlog :)

Thanks to everyone for your support; its truly appreciated. I wouldn't have been able to do a quarter of what I have done without it, and hopefully you are all seeing the difference that having extra people on board is making to the overall quality. I cant wait to get these projects out! <3



Prairie Goblins

Congrats on becoming a father =D


Ho jeez my dude congratulations on becoming a father!


Congrats you will always have my support


Congrats! You'll always be a faved content producer nomatter what. Congratulations on becoming a daddy!


Exciting times ahead! ^^


Congratulations on this new step of your life! ^^


Adding in on the congratulatory celebrations! Wishing you happy times!

Wolfie Randolf

Patreon comes second to real life and most especially to the newborn! You take your time to raise the child and get everything done before even considering coming back here to us. We can wait patiently for this stuff. And by the way, didn't know bout the misses and the baby, so congratulations. I hope everything goes well and you three get to have a gloriously fun time together.


Thankyou for the update and congratulations to the both of you! I hope those Dad jokes are on point...