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The crunch at work officially ended this week, so I should be back to normal in December. I've been a bit slammed though and have only managed another 3.5 seconds of polished animation for November's rewards so far. I do intend on releasing a full sized update (so around 15 seconds), so the rewards will be delayed again this month. (Its hard to catch up once I fall behind, but allowing myself to be late when needed has proven to be the best way for me to make constant progress. So far in 2019 I have only had to cancel one cycle).

Currently, the schedule for the next two months rewards are as follows:

- Novembers rewards will be released around Christmas. 

- Decembers rewards will be released early January.

I will get 6 days off over Christmas and new years, not including the two weekends. Because I am half a world away from family and friends who celebrate Christmas, I will have a lot of free time ^^. I plan on spending as much of it as possible animating. Because of this, I think I'll be able to make a regular months worth of content in just two weeks. (similar to how I made up for a lost month earlier in the year when I lost my job).

If you aren't happy with the delay in November, then let me know and I'll happily refund you. If you have previously requested a refund and I haven't responded, then please poke me! I think I am going crazy, because I could swear I remember someone asking for a refund a week or so ago, but I could find any trace of it. 

I will also be going to MFF! if you see me there please say hi and I'll give you a supporter pin ^^. You can note me through here too! (no seriously, please do this as it looks like it will cost me well over a grand to mail them all out so you will help me save money >.>). Unfortunately, I won't be getting in till around midnight Friday, which from what i understand will be after the macro meetup this year, so that is a bummer.

I also intend on sending the pins out to everyone else over Christmas as that is when I'll have a day or so to sort it all out. My sincere apologies for the delays in this as they have been sitting in my office since April/May :s. THEY ARE COMING.




Take care of yourself, friend.


Pins look great ! ^^ excited about the next update too c:


See you Friday!


Hello! I got two friend from Brazil at MFF. May I ask them to get the pin for me?


Of course! Just tell them to let me know they are doing that for you ^^


I already asked them to do that! Is there an easy way for them to find you? Like a dealer's table or hotel room, something like that?

Giza White Mage

I’ll be there! Look for the guy dressed as a White Mage. :-)


Enjoy yourself! I'll make it one of these days. Thanks for the update 😊 Can't wait for my own pin!


Is scene 67 polished too?


Hey Acheroth! My friends are looking for you at MFF. One of them is Lhama Glamma, @Lhamma at Telegram. He is a fursuiter. How can you guys meet?