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Hey everyone! Sorry that this update has come in later than I said it would; things have been a bit hectic and I lost tra :/

Rewards will be active for August; but they will be a bit late again. At this stage I'm aiming for somewhere between the 15th-20th; I will give an update if it's going to be any later.

As I mentioned in a previous update, I was hoping to be able to catch up a bit this month but some things have come up and I'm going to lose most of this long weekend travelling interstate for a funeral (don't worry were alrght; it was no one too close, they were significant and it is sad but it was nothing like my grandfather in 2017). So I probably won't be able to make up any time this month :/

Looking forward, I will have to make a decision on September or to cancel it. I don't like delivering rewards as late as I am, and it makes sense to just cancel a month and get a 2 week head start on the next cycle.

However, I'm going to go to MFF in December, along with Christmas. So it looks like December might also be a right of. But if I can deliver rewards late for September, October and November, then I may get through the year with only one month cancelled rather than two. I'll probably put this to a poll to see how you guys would lile me to play it. My preference is to keep going whole I can; but I wouldn't complain too hard if I was to take it easier for a few weeks at this point XD

Anyway! Onto what to expect:

This update will be a bit broader than usual, as I'll be working on both projects. This means that the update for both will be about half of what I would usually do when I'm focusing on one. The reason why I'm doing this is because I want to keep Dragon Growth steadily ticking while I finish off My Little Kaiju; I'll see how this goes and either continue or revert in the months ahead.

I've been working on dragon growth so far this month and have made a new shot that's just over 4 seconds. I've made a start on another which looks like it will be about 6. I want to polish this second shot; but that may be it for this month.

I'll be blocking out the ending to MLK next week, and will start some polish from there. I don't yet have a solid estimate on how much I will add, but I'm guessing about 5-6 seconds would be within the realm of probability given the other tasks I mentioned.

As usual, if You ultimatley aren't satisfied with the final update, you're welcome to ask for a refund and I'll put it through asap. (unless you are a new or returning sub after a long time, as you're getting close to 14 minutes of WIPs and have no reason to be unsatisfied with the progress lol). This is and will remain my policy for refunds.

Anyway, that's it! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback! And thanks again for all your awesome support <3

Rewards will be active for August, but will be delivered around the 15th-20th. I am working on both projects thos month so the new content will be about half of what it is for each.




See you at MFF


Will you update the current dropbox videos this month or will this new update be next month?


Will you be finishing the last few frames of Andre Yaku?


What's an MFF?


I will in a month where I've cancelled the rewards. I'm busy making animation content in active months :(


No, each month is a seperate reward with its own Dropbox. The period from last week to half way through September will be the August rewards.

Khaki Chan

Eh I don't need refunds. 10 dollars or so doesn't hurt me and I like to be able to help anyway XD


Your content is well worth the wait! Can't say that about many artists these days...