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I mentioned in an earlier post that I would be cancelling this month's rewards; but that is no longer the case. Your pledge will be charged at the start of August, and ill be sending out rewards around the middle of the month.

The reason for this is that my schedule has opened up a little, and it looks like I'll be able to spend more time on August's rewards than I initially thought. This gives me a chance to make up for the two weeks I 'lost' by rigging renamon last month. If everything goes to plan, then that would be the eighth month in a row where I've had active rewards cycles, which is an equal record ^^.


This month I've been working on dragon growth again, and have so far accumulated 4 complexity points. These have come from working on shots 045* 046 and 047, where I've swapped rigs and added about 5.5 seconds of new animation due to some performance changes.

This weekend I'm starting a new shot which will probably be made to polish, and after that will probably either make another new polished shot, or make a few blockouts of some missing shots to fill in the gaps. Overall there should be another ~15 complexity points added on this rewards cycle, and should be released around the middle of next month. 

(*I incorrectly labelled this as shot 054 in the map last week; the shot in question is the second 054 listed).


my apologies for my highest tier patreons who are still waiting on last month's scene file; I'll package that up this weekend so the link should be there by Monday night at the latest.


I haven't forgotten about the pins! My apologies for letting them sit on my desk for the past couple of months; I've been prioritising the rewards. They are still here! I'll be sending out the test run probably next week, and will make an announcement and start seeking addresses from those who want one later next month.

Please be patient with me on the pins; they will be going out! But this is a bit new to me, and they are secondary making content. I'll be sluggish with them until I get a good system in place, especially when I am trying to catch up on rewards cycles that are being delivered late ATM.


Just finally, a furry macro/growth animator by the name of Charon2 has recently started up a patreon page. Some of you would know him from his animation ‘A growing concern’ from a few years back. If you like my stuff, then there’s a good chance you might like his, so check it out!

That’s it for now! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about what is happening! I love getting feedback, both positive and negative; so please don’t feel reluctant to speak your mind :)

And as always, thanks so much for your support <3!




There's a shot right at the beginning of the animation showing André's penis growing, when will you work on it?]


Shot 065? I won't be working on that one this month; but polishing those three shots us up there on my list of priorities. I haven't got a detailed schedule on when that will exactly be yet tho sorry


Do you hope to release Dragon Growth this year or is there absolutely no chance about that ?


yeah I wanna know that too I know its probably a long and difficult process but its easier to wait knowing when it might be out