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I have sent the links for the rewards for last month, so check your notes! If you think I have made a mistake let me know and I'll take care of it ASAP! Also, I've had some people tell me their cards got declined; if this is the case send me a note! Also, if you signed up after the start of the month, then please note you weren't charged and weren't part of this released rewards cycle. However, you will be a part of next months! Send me a note and I can send you some stuff to tie you over till then though!

The scene file for the $25 reward tier will be sent out tomorrow. My apologies but I ran out of time and I need to sleep soon; the scenes can take a few hours to convert to FBX.

As usual, please give comments and criticism!


The last picture in the images WIPS is the first of many that will be coming in over the next week. Neowulf is currently rendering out and compositing the rest. I'll be adding them to the folder progressively so keep an eye out for that! I will post them on FA later on as well.

Thanks everyone for all your support <3 



Oooh, I like the wolfess model. Nice and beefy~


I didnt get them

S. Iva

I didn't get them. I checked to make sure I pay for both this and last month, and I have pay. I can wait until next month if I have to, just get some good nights rest


I'll send you a note later tonight when I get home.


I didnt get em ;3;

Johnny Samfire

New Andre stuff is great, but I'm loving the MLK progress, it'll be amazing when it's done :)