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Whoop! The end of the month crept up on me, which was stupid as I had a major milestone at work due yesterday. I was too busy focused on that rather than the date, so my apologies for not getting in earlier than this!

I've been working away on MLK this month! By the end of today I'll have added 14 seconds of polished animation; but I'll continue working onto it into next week to add some more. I've taken some days off from work next week to focus on patreon, so as a result the rewards will be a few days late again this month so I can add more. Rewards will be sent out some time between the 8th and the 14th, depending on when I am happy with the amount of content (which is usually about 20 seconds); I will keep you guys posted on when exactly you should expect your rewards.

Also, my apologies if you've sent me a comment or a note the past two weeks; I've been crunching at work so whatever leisure time I've had I've needed to put into into creating  content so administration slipped a bit; I am back now so I'll respond to everyone today :)

Thanks everyone, and let me know if you have any questions!



Super stoaked your back bud! Cant wait to see your work!


are any new works on Andre? Will there be something about Andre in these rewards?


no sorry, this month (and next) I'm aiming to finish off the last of MLK, then I'll be back to Andre.


Have you sent rewards out yet? If so, I haven't gotten them i think.


Yeah same here. Checked my messages but no September Rewards.