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Hey everyone!

I'm sorry to say that there won't be a rewards cycle again this month; I won't be talking your pledges, and I won't be sending out content.

I've been working crunch hours at work this past month, so I've been unable to allocate the time towards my patreon that would be needed. I've got another busy week ahead of me coming up, but I'm hoping after that I'll be able to get back into the patreon routine. So for now I expect to have content for next month; I'll keep you guys noted if something comes up.


Things haven't come to a complete stop, however. Thirteenth has now fully finished and delivered Andre's new model and maps! There will be some niche little additions which will be added at a later date (which I'll go over in the next rewards), but they are not needed for Dragon Growth. Thirteeenth has now started working on the Renee model and texture, and I have paid the first milestone for that. She will be two separate models; one for use on the Dragon Growth rig, and a thiccer variant for general use.

The anthgrow rig is almost done. If you've been following my readmes the last few years, you'll know I've been working on a universal rig in the background that will allow adjustable proportions, essentially meaning I can use it for any character and won't need to spend time rigging ever again. If you remember it took me about a month to fix up Andre's rig; from now on I won't need to do that. So it will be an awesome tool for me to have!

While I've been crunching pretty hard, a lot of that time has been spent on making a similar rig for work. So I've been able to work in parallel with that a lot at home this past month. At the moment, the rig is ALMOST done; the only things I need to add are toes and some more joints in the neck for quadruped configurations. Oh, and some sort of genital setup, but I doubt Ill get time to research that at work >.>

There has also been another milestone payment on the MLK score being written by HeroicOnes, and Neo has been working on some more of the tech art/animation stuff he has been doing (though I haven't caught up with him lately to give a more detailed report)

Next Month:

Looking forward to next month, I will probably shift my focus back onto MLK to finish it off. I have to add another 10 odd seconds of animation to bridge the remaining gap in the existing WIP; but what I do at the end is up for discussion. I'll be putting up a poll very soon for you guys to see where you want me to take this; if I should spend some extra time putting in a final growth spurt, or whether I should just end it quickly so that I can focus on dragon growth.

Thanks again, and my apologies.



It's quite alright. Thanks for the update. :)

Midnight Yamikidate

I already vote for another growth spurt at the end of MLK :3


Thanks for the update. I would love to see MLK grow further as well. Preferably beyond human sized ;-)


WTF I hate work now! ;-). Really interested what thirteenth does to Renee model.