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I just switched the monthly payments back on after a two month hiatus. I have finished animating a new 11 second shot with the new wolf character, and now I will be starting the painful dance of getting the cloth sim to work for it. At this stage I don't know if I will be sending rewards out on exactly the 5th, but if I am late, it won't be by much. I'm aiming hard to have it ready by then ^^.

If you have joined me in the past two months; thank you! ^^ But please be aware that this is a monthly cycle; I had only switched it to per creation as at the moment, that's the only way which Patreon can freeze the payment process WITHOUT dumping everyone who is pledging you. (Patreon has some weird ways of doing things; their staff are very good at responses though. I'm just glad that I asked a lot of questions as I would have accidentally purged everyone if I had have tried their first suggestion). 

I run my patreon on a monthly basis as I create animations; it helps pay the bills and keeps me growing while I work on animations which take up to and over a year to make. But, if you joined me thinking that this was for completed work, and don't want to contribute until then, fear not! Just send me a note before I send out rewards explaining so and I'll refund you if you read this after you have been charged.

I'll also be leaving an update journal ever time I send our rewards as well; I will still do the readmes, but I think the journals ill be a good forum to allow me to explain general progress a lot clearer ^^

Thanks for everyone who has been patient the last few months! I'm hoping you are going to like the art direction that dragon growth and other things will be heading in ^^.



So exciting !! ^^


You're such a lovely person, keep being awesome!


Glad to see you're back man! Thanks for letting everyone know and keep being awesome!


I cannot wait! Good to see you back :)