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I have been conflicted over my name for a while. I was born as Matthew and when I was a gurl I changed it to Madeline. I went back to being a femboy and since then I have not known what to call myself. "Matthew" doesn't feel right anymore because it was a name from before I was on girl hormones. For the most part, I go by Maddie online when I'm not Boiwifey. But that still doesn't feel right. 

I started thinking, and I remembered that there are men with girl's names in media. Often that is used for comedic effect or often their name is French. I am thinking about "Mary," "Michelle," "Francis." So, since I have been going by "Madeline" for several years at this point I have decided I am going to keep it. It's what my family, friends, and former college call me. That's just what I was called and it feels the most natural. And wouldn't you know it? Madeline is a French name like Michelle! I am boy with a girl's name and that's just how it's going to be. 

Hi, I'm Madeline. I'm a boy. It's nice to meet you.