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So, some of y'all may be wondering where You Give Your Boywife A Bath is. Well, I am too. I didn't realize it for a few days, but I am very sick! Sick femboyo with no hubbie to nurture me back to health. 🥺 I know, it's sad. Oh, the Missouri. I have been sleeping upwards of 15 hours a day, waking for 7 and then back to sleep for 8. My perception of time is crumbling and reality is shattering like my name is Julio Tilman. (Obscure reference.) 

Being sick did get me thinking, however. Have you ever been horny when you were sick? It's not a pretty picture. And neither am I at the time of writing this. It's the strangest feeling because if we look at this from an evolutionary perspective it can be seen as a last ditch effort to reproduce. Even if you're gayer than the rainbow. 

I have done it I have managed to gross myself out. God, I'm a mess in the last week. I might just pass out after publishing this. I don't know why, but thank all of you lovely patrons for supporting me. It means the world. I will be back when the illness decides to vacate.