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Pre-Note: I created this erotic piece because I want to live a life of a femboy who has many people who love and accept him. This story tells the start of the story of Calix, a lonely femboy who posts pictures of himself online for extra cash in his low-income life. One day a man online asks to see him when he figures out they live in the same city. Daniel, the man, lives in a giant mansion with 19 other middle-class people who came together to live a wealthy life. And he wants Calix to be their House Femboy who attends to all of them. Hope you enjoy!


The House Femboy

My name is Calix. I’m a staggering 5’ 6” tall, Hispanic, and have jet black hair. Throughout my high school years, I was mocked for being shorter than most of the boys around me. They called me “femmy” and “weakling.” It got so bad that when a guy took genuine interest in me, I said no because I knew that people would just make fun of me for being a feminine boy with a masculine guy. After I graduated from High School a year ago, I deeply regretted it. I missed my first chance to have a relationship with someone and now I am alone in the world. I got a job at a smoothie bar and have been working there for a whole year and make $13 an hour. It’s really not terrible. I can pay my rent because I have a roommate. She doesn’t really like to talk to me or socialize and stays in her room when she’s home. I have no prospects or anything to secure my financial future. I just hope that one day I can make the manager position at my job.

I discovered the term “femboy” in my senior year of High School. I learned that it was the word that best described what I am. I don’t try to be, but it came sort of naturally to me. In an effort to get an extra revenue stream I started posting paid-for photos of myself online when I turned 19. Ones that were safe-for-work and ones that were not so much. It never really took off though. I theorized that I was being outplayed by the femboys who take female hormones and therefore look cuter than me. I have naturally feminine features, but I can’t compete with the boys on hormones. And getting on hormones is not for me because I don’t want to grow boobs or anything. I make about an extra $200 a month from selling pictures of myself to strange men on the internet. In one of the few times I talked with my roommate I made the mistake of telling her about it and she was disgusted. That is perhaps why she hasn’t spoken to me since.

One day I was posting an album of photos of myself when I got a message from someone on the site. It said his name was DomDaddy681. I guess the first 680 DomDaddies were taken. It read the following:


Hi. You look really cute in your photographs.


Haha, thanks.


Do you happen to live in the Houston area by chance?


Ummm.. Yeah.


Good, good. I have something to offer you and don’t freak out. I know it sounds crazy, but would you be interested in meeting me at a park? I promise it’s nothing shady. I have an offer that could change your world.

I was hesitant at first to say yes, but I agreed to it. We chose a local well-known park in our city. He told me to wear normal clothes to make me feel better about meeting an online stranger. The prospect of something positive interested me, and I followed the orders he gave.

A week later I took the bus to the park. He told me to go to a certain bench in the area with a table. I did. I got scared that I was the first one to arrive, so I prepared myself for the worst.

A few minutes of waiting later and a tall man started walking towards me. He was wearing a grey coat and a white shirt underneath. He appeared to be around 40 years old. My stomach dropped as he got closer to me and waved.

“Hi. Are you CalixBoi?” I stood up and shook his hand.

“Yeah, it’s me. Nice to meet you.”

“Let’s sit down,” he said. He sat on the other side of the table-bench. “Now I know that you might be a little scared. I know it’s a bit unusual for me to ask to see you. But I promise my intentions are good. To ease your mind, I brought you this.” He put a brown knitted basket on the table. Inside was an assortment of candies, a teddy bear, a few sodas, an energy drink, a video game console with a game included, and two freshly made sandwiches.

“Woah!” I spoke. “That’s a lot of stuff. Why would you give me all of this stuff?”

“If you’re worried about the cost of it all, don’t be. And don’t take this as a token of goodwill that I’m going to use to pressure you into anything. This is purely to let you know that I mean no harm at all. I want you to feel comfortable and to know that you got something out of this even if you decline my incoming offer.”

“Okay, you got my attention,” I laughed. “May I?” I asked pointing at the sandwich.

“Of course,” he said and grabbed the 2nd sandwich. “I hope you like salami.”

“I love salami.” The man laughed.

“Oh, how could I forget? How rude of me. My real name is Daniel.”

“Calix,” I said. “But you probably knew that.”

“It’s nice to know. It’s a pretty name, Calix.” Him saying my name made my heart skip a beat.

“Anyway, I guess we should get right to it,” he continued. “I represent and am apart of a certain group of liked minded people. We are a group of middle-class women and men who all live together in one giant home. Some of us were friends growing up, some were co-workers, and some joined when they heard about our group. We are all people who wanted to be able to live a more comfortable life. None of us are rich on our own, but we all came together to purchase a beautiful home in River Oaks. It has twenty-five rooms, a bar, a pool, and all the amenities you could dream of. We also have a collective investment account to make sure that our money grows. It all started 10 years ago with me and four of my friends and it’s only grown since. Our purpose is simple: to live a life of comfort our money alone could not afford. To live like the wealthy. And it’s all been going really well. We all work good jobs with reliable income and overall, we’re happy. If someone gets sick, we take care of each other. If someone needs help we’re there.”

Everything he was saying sounded like a fantasy come to life. But also sounded impossible. But despite that, I wondered why he was telling me about it. “That sounds pretty cool. But what does any of this have to do with me?”

“Well, Calix. My friends and I who live together are a little bit more than friends. The initial group of 5 that started the collective including myself were friends because we were all… experimental with our interests in romantic desires.”

“Oh my God,” I said in shock. “It’s a big polyamorous house.”

“You could say that. Everyone in the house is bisexual or pansexual, but not everyone is interested in everyone else. It’s a polycule. However, recently some of us realized that there were some issues developing in the group you see. Because none of us have a single shared interest, we were beginning to drift apart.”

“I’m sorry to hear,” I said.

“This was until we found your photos online. I found you first and shared some of your pictures with my in-house friends. And then they shared it with the rest. In only a week everyone in the house was looking at your photographs.”

I blushed a deep red. “Oh.”

“The men, the women, the few non-binary members, all of us. We all think you’re a very special boy, Calix.” I started breathing heavily and nervously.

“Um…,” I quaked. “What are you saying?”

“We figured out you lived in Houston because in one of your photos you can see a street name in the background. Or at least we suspected you did. Sorry if that is a bit creepy.”

“It’s not.”

“Okay, good. Glad to hear. But anyway, Calix, we have an offer for you. Of course, you would get to meet everybody before you made a decision, but… We would like to make you our House Femboy.”

My stomach sank to the ground. I couldn’t tell if it was out of excitement or if it was out of fear.

“I can tell you’re a bit freaked out, so let me explain. Your profile says you’re bisexual like us. So, you could get along with everyone in the house. What being the House Boy entails is rather simple. And I’ll speak slowly because it’s a lot to take in. You would move into our home. You would dress in cute outfits that we pick out for you and get to live there. You wouldn’t have to work or worry about bills or money or food. You wouldn’t even have to worry about cleaning the house because we have maids that do that. You would get to live in our beautiful home and use all the amenities we have including our game room, our hamster room, our closets, and large bathrooms. And hopefully if you like your time and are willing you would get to be our femboy who we “play” with. You’re a young 19-year boy and I know you have a big libido. You would get to have all the sex you want with people we hope you will come to love. But that would just be a small part of it. Mostly, we just want to dote on you. Give you cuddles and headpats and lots and lots of affection. Honestly, I’ve wanted to cuddle you to sleep from the moment I saw your profile picture. You’re just so cute.”

I didn’t know if I should stay and talk or run for the literal hills the park had. What the hell was Daniel talking about? Drop my life and move in with twenty older adults to be their cuddle doll? That sounds completely crazy. And why does that sound amazing?

“Um. That… is a lot of information to take in.”

“I’m sorry,” Daniel said with a shy look on his face. “You don’t have to do any of this. I didn’t mean to overload you with information.” For a middle-aged man, he was acting really cute. He looked so embarrassed. I kind of felt bad for him.

“No, no,” I said. “I’m not scared. I’m actually kind of intrigued.”

His eyes lit up with excitement. “Oh, really? I don’t want you to feel pressured by anything. Really. Take all the time you need to think about it.”

“Actually, can you go over it again? But make it super simple so that I fully understand.”

“Sure, Calix. We want you to be a live-in House Boy who we give attention and affection to. You would live with us and not have to worry about money. And if you felt comfortable, we would like to make love to you.”

The simplification of the information helped me understand what he was offering very clearly. I thought about it for a minute. Being a House Boy would mean I could move out of my crummy apartment and quit my job. I do like the actual work of my job, but I hate the manager. She mistreats me. So, if I took the offer, I would never have to see her face again. And I would also get lots of attention from people who actually like me. And if I wanted to, I would get to lose my virginity with men, women, and more types of people. That does sound rather fun. I should tell him that I’m a virgin before we move forward.

“Hey, Daniel. There’s something I should tell you before we talk about this more in any detail in case it makes you change your mind about me.”

“Oh, I can’t imagine what could change our minds. What is it, cutie?”

“I haven’t had sex before.”

His face looked surprised. “Oh, wow.” His voice had a mysterious undertone that I could not quite read.

“Yeah… I don’t know if you want to have a virgin as a House Boy.”

He was silent for a moment, and I cringed at the prospect that I just lost this opportunity. “Calix, that just makes me want to have you more. One of us having the honor of taking the virginity of such a sweet boy as you makes my hearty aflutter. And I’m sure the others would feel just the same.”

I scratched my head in bewilderment. “Oh, really? That’s awesome. I know how people can be about virgins and not wanting the responsibility of taking someone’s virginity. I’m glad I got that off my chest.”

“Wait, it sounds like you’re thinking of saying yes to the offer,” he said with delight.

“Well, I would have to think about it a little more. Meet your friends and see the place. And then I would have to take care of some things in my life. But if everything works out, I think this might be a yes! At least for a little while. Definitely worth a shot.”

Daniel jumped from the bench. “Your words make me so happy. Just having the chance to have you living with us makes me want to dance. Can I give you a hug?”

I smiled a most hidden of smiles. “Yeah,” I said. I stood up and Daniel came over and enveloped me with his arms. He was very warm and sweet, and he kissed my head. I got a small erection in my pants but hid it well.

“I hope that kiss was okay.”

“Yeah, it was good.” Daniel looked so happy and delighted. He eventually sat back down.

“So, we need to talk semantics. You need to meet my friends. When do you think you’ll be next available?”

“Well, I have nothing else to do all day. When I schedule a meeting with someone, I make sure I have nothing else going on later. Would… now work?”

He looked surprised. “Um… yeah, actually. Not everyone is at the house right now but a good number of us are. I would need to call them to make sure they’re ready to meet you. Do you mind if I take that call now?”

“Not at all,” I said. He stood up and walked up close to a nearby tree and whipped out his phone. I could hear whispers of his voice but nothing specific as he spoke on the phone for about 5 minutes.

He came back with the largest smile on his face. “Welp, Calix. They’re very excited to meet you. There’s five of us at home right now, so including me that’s six. Will you be okay with meeting that many new people?”

“I’m an extrovert, so yeah,” I said with a matching smile.

“Well good. I’ll give you the address and we can both drive there now. Where did you park?”

“Oh,” I murmured. “I got here on a bus. I don’t have a car. Can I get a ride with you?”

He looked concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay with that? I know you’re ready and willing, but I’m still very much a stranger to you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable driving with someone you don’t know to a place you’ve never been.”

“I trust you, Daniel. You have a trustworthy demeanor about you that exudes in your complexion and behavior.”

“Oh, and you’re smart! You have great diction. And thank you. That’s very high praise coming from you.”

“Ah, I’m not smart. Just well versed in the ways of refined vocab.”

“And humble. We’re so lucky.”

I giggled. Daniel led me to his car, and we got in right quick. It was a large white Ford pick-up truck. I felt so small when I entered into the passenger seat. Daniel ignited the engine when I felt a warm feeling on my bubble butt. “You’ve got seat warmers?” I said not being able to hold back my joy.

“Yep. We’ve really got everything. We live an admittedly very privileged life. And maybe you will get to as well,” he said pinching my cheek. The warmth from his big man hand made me squeal just a little. “Oh, someone’s happy,” he said and drove off.

The ride was about thirty minutes due to heavy traffic. We arrived in River Oaks: one of the richer neighborhoods in Houston. The house Daniel was talking about was absolutely ginormous. It was basically a mansion with its white marbled walls and giant garden guarded by a gate. He clicked a button and we went onto the picturesque property. He drove past hedges and ponds and trees and flowers until we descended downward into an underground garage beneath the property. This was when I started to fully understand what was about to happen. I was about to be introduced to five older strangers who all had lusted after my nude pictures online. The thought got my little cock hard as shit, but fear overtook it. I suck into my seat as we parked next to a bunch of cars in the giant gray garage.

“Hey,” Daniel said sympathetically. “Are you absolutely sure you’re okay meeting us? I really don’t want you to be uncomfortable, sweet boy,” he said while petting my thigh.

I thought about it for a moment before I said, “Yes. This will be fun. It’s just a meeting. I’m ready.”

Daniel grinned. “Alright, little Calix.” He got out of the car and came to my side and opened the door for me. I stepped down onto the concrete and breathed in the damp air of the garage that smelled vaguely of gasoline. “Follow me.”

He walked to a nearby garage elevator, and I followed like a little minx. He called the elevator, the doors opened, and we walked inside. He held my hand as the elevator went up.

The doors opened. The light of the mansion shined brightly. I could hear voices in the distance. In a little bit of a panic, I hid behind Daniel as he walked us out. We appeared to be entering into a giant living room adorned with mahogany wood walls, candle-shaped lighting fixtures, paintings, leather couches, fancy carpet, and wide windows. “Hey, everybody!” Daniel shouted into the corridors of the mansion. “There’s someone here that y’all liked to meet.” My stomach dropped to the ground. Suddenly, I heard many sets of footsteps walking in our direction. I held my eyes closed and grasped Daniel’s hand tightly.

And then they arrived. “Welcome home, Daniel,” a woman’s voice said.

“Looks like you brought home something cute,” a man’s voice spoke.

“Hey, little boy,” another man’s voice said with a foreign accent that I could not discern. I opened my eyes and four feet away from me was a European man with a bald head who looked to be in his late 20s wearing plaid. “It’s okay. We don’t bite,” he spoke very sweetly. When I fully opened my eyes, I saw another woman and a person of indeterminate gender standing with the three other people who stayed silent.

“So everybody,” Daniel introduced. “I would like you to meet Calix.” He turned around, held my hand, and nudged me forward. There I was a short 19-year-old queer boy in front of five taller and older adults who had all seen me naked online. They were all smiling in different degrees. I looked around like a hamster, darting my head between the five.

I managed to speak. “Huh… hi.”

They all said in unison, “Awwwwww.” This confused me greatly.

“Oh my God,” the white woman I heard said. “He is so cute! Ah!” I blushed heavily as they started talking about me.

“Isn’t he just a little munchkin,” the European man said.

The man who spoke before the European man said, “Holy shit, he’s cuter than in his pictures,” the black man said.

The Indian woman with a butch appearance spoke for the first time. “I bet he’ll look adorable in thigh-highs.”

“Cute,” the person of unknown gender said.

“He’s a little shy,” Daniel laughed. He then looked at me. “Calix, I would to introduce to some of my friends here.” He then started pointing to each one.

He pointed to the unknown gender person. “That’s Court.” The black man, “Johnson.” The Indian Woman “Meli.” The European. “Alexi.” The white American woman. “Jen.” It’s going to take me forever to memorize all of them, and this isn’t even half of them!

“Nice to meet y’all,” I said meekly. They then all ran up to me, which was a bit overwhelming. They reached out a few inches away from me and Jen said, “Can we?” I nodded. All at once they started touching my body platonically. They pet my hair, rubbed my arms, poked my belly button, circled around me, examined my legs, my thighs, my neck, really everything without going too far. I started feeling really warm and happy from the attention they were giving me.

They doted on me and said things like:

“You really are just a little boy, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t know they made boys this cute.”

“Look at your fatty big lips. So kissable.”

“I’m gonna’ put you into cute little dresses, yes I am.”

“You’re going to be such a happy boy here if you decide to say.”

“I can’t wait to cuddle you to sleep and hear your little cute sleeping sounds.”

“You smell like a delicate little flower.”

Daniel started joining the attention spam. He was taller than all of them and hugged me from behind while they continued to give me their attention. “You look so happy, little Calix.” He was more than right. My little cock started aching in my shorts. I tried to hide it, but it was very obvious. They were too kind to mention it.

I started to giggle and laugh when they started tickling me all over. “Ah, he likes the attention,” Meli declared. “Such a sweet innocent male.”

Alexi kissed my cheek. “He tastes like freshly harvested honey kissed by the sun and draped with sugar plums.”

“I bet he would look adorable in an apron,” Court said.

“Oh, most certainly,” Johnson concurred.

When they finished touching me chaotically, they all hugged me at once from all angles. It was then that I let out a little moan.

“Op,” Court said.

“Is the boy horny already?” Johnson asked.

“He just met us. Certainly, he can’t be horny already,” Jen teased.

“Okay, people. Break it up,” Daniel said, and they all stepped away. I felt sad when they did and apparently it showed.

“Aww, he’s sad,” Meli pointed out. “I think he liked all the attention, Daniel.”

I looked at him with pouty lips and puppy eyes. He looked down at me and cupped my chin. “Hey, little Calix. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

His guidance felt amazing. “Um… Uh. I really liked… the touching,” I said.

His ruffled my hair curly hair. “You’re such a little angel, baby boy.” He then picked me up, lifting me off the ground. I huffed when I noticed I was a whole 4-feet up. He turned me around, so our faces were in front of each other. “Does this make you happy?”

I nodded in agreement. “Yes, sir.” Sir? Did I just call him sir?

“You’re a natural,” he said and smiled and set me down.

“Guys,” he announced to his friends. “I think we have our selves a House Boy.” He could tell with only my two words that I knew this is what I wanted. In only the few minutes I had been in the mansion I felt so loved and adored. Their unapologetic and non-judgmental affection made me feel happier than I ever had before even in my dreams.

The five of them all cheered and came up to me again, petting my head and cheeks.

“I can’t wait you to dress you up like a little maid,” Jen said.

“I’m just happy to have you hear,” Johnson said.

Alexi spoke next while petting my head deeply. “Good boy. Such a good boy. Such a good boy who needs lots and lots of attention, don’t you, little one?” I nodded with pleading eyes. My ass started clenching.

“I’m going to teach you how to sing for us,” Court said. “I bet you have a very pretty singing voice.”

“And I’m going to teach you how to do your make up. Boys in make up are so precious,” Meli said.

They walked me to one of the leather couches and continued to dote on me. When I laid my head on Alexi’s lap they all said, “aww,” again. They pet me, scratched my head, gave me belly rubs, and cuddled me on the couch. I was so happy that I started letting out tears.

“Oh, what’s wrong, Calix?” Jen asked.

“Um, it’s nothing. I’m just really happy.”

“He is so precious,” Court said to Daniel. “You found the perfect femboy.”

I looked over to Daniel and he was standing over us while we cuddled on the big couch. “You are so beautiful,” he said to me. He then started tearing up. “I never thought I could find such a precious boy like you. And I can’t believe how you were so trusting of me when I hadn’t truly earned it. I promise that we here are going to give you a very happy life. You are going to be taken care of, Calix.” He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the head. “When the others meet you, they are going to be just as happy as me.”

A few hours passed as I got to know the six house members who were home at the moment. They all couldn’t keep their eyes and hands off me as we talked. I told them about my past and life circumstances and how lonely I was. They all sympathized with my mediocre life and kept on reassuring me that I was going to be taken care of now. I still couldn’t really believe this was happening. I mean, me? An average looking femboy who isn’t on hormones who doesn’t even dress that feminine? I knew that I was decent looking, but now I felt like I was perhaps truly pretty. They must be seeing something in me that I never had.

As the time went by a few more house members arrived home from their jobs. I met a few of them and they reacted similarly to how the others did. By the time dinner was being made sixteen out of twenty of them were home. They were men, women, and three non-binary people of all backgrounds. One of them was even from a country I had never even heard of before. There were so many that I decided to only try to memorize the first 6 for now and then more later. Let’s see: Daniel, Meli, Johnson., Court, Alexi, Jan. That’s it! I decided to practice those names every day. After dinner, Daniel picked me up from my seat and wife-cradled me. It was a bit embarrassing in front of all of these new people, but I kinda liked it. It made me feel safe.

“Alright. I think it’s time our new House Boy gets some rest. It’s been a long day.”

“Good night, Calix!” Meli screamed followed by a symphony of goodnights. Daniel then walked me up the giant wooden curly banister into a dark hallway.

“We had a room set up for you when I called from the park earlier today. So, it’s all good.” He then opened a door and led me into what would be my room. “Don’t worry about your job. We have people taking care of it as well as your lease on your apartment. You’ll never have to worry about anything ever again,” he said while sitting me on my bed.

The room was quite large with a king’s size mattress covered with blue and light covers. There were posters of all my favorite TV shows, movies, and video games and a TV with the Nintendo Switch he brought me earlier today all hooked u. The room was carpeted with freshly laid down fabric.

I sat down on the bed and just looked at it all. Just yesterday I was going to bed on an air mattress in a cheap apartment and now I’m going to sleep in a decked-out room built just for me. “How did you know all of this stuff I like?”

He sat down on the bed next to me. “You post about these things all the time on your page, silly. We know a lot about you. I hope that’s not too creepy.”

“Surprisingly, not,” I said.

“Welp, you get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you. We’re going to show you everything the house has to offer.”

“That sounds exciting.”

He got up from my bed and went to the door. “Welp, good-..”

“Wait!” I cried.

“What’s wrong?” I felt something carnal bubbling up inside me. I gave him a lungful pouty look.

It took him a minute, but he eventually caught on. “Oh!” He spoke. “Are you sure, sweetie?” He looked excited.

I nodded.

He closed the door. He stared at me, and I felt weak and small. “Oh, baby boy. You want me to take your virginity, don’t you?”

I nodded again.

“We’re going to take it slow. No penetration tonight. Does that sound alright with you?”

I was so horny with all the attention I had been getting all day that I stopped speaking and only communicated with my body.

“Oh, I’m gonna make you cum and scream so loud the whole house will know that I was the one who took your virginity,” Daniel said. He slowly approached the bed and turned on the lamp creating an atmospheric environment.

This was it. I was finally going to lose my virginity. But what was he going to do? He said no penetration tonight, but I really, really wanted to take his cock. Perhaps it was because I just ate and wasn’t prepared. But my mind didn’t care because an older sexy man was caressing his hands the size of my head down my thigh. I began to cue and make tiny little high-pitched sounds.

“Oh my god, you’re so perfect. I’ve never even heard a girl squeak that high from just me touching her.” Him likening me to a girl made my ass clinch.

I looked at him with most innocent eyes. I didn’t know what was going to happen but knew that I trusted him to make me happy. And I hope I will do the same for him. What if he’s not satisfied with me and decides that he doesn’t want me here as the House Femboy? My fear must have manifested in my body language because he knew just the right thing to say. “You’re so beautiful. When you cum in daddy’s arms it will be the sweetest most innocent of things.”

Without asking he slipped his massive hand on the top of my shorts. He clung onto the fabric and began pulling down. Slowly and methodically, he teased my legs brushing the skin until my shorts were at the bottom of my feet. He slipped them all the way off and settled them on the ground taking my socks off too.

“Look at your silky-smooth caramel legs. Did you shave them before meeting me today?”

“I don’t grow hair on my legs. Do most boys do?”

He didn’t answer before he grabbed my thighs and squeezed. “Ah!” I moaned. It hurt a little with a sudden grab but moved to relaxing when he began rubbing them.

He looked at my light-blue underwear. “Aww, you have a little bulge. It’s so tiny.” I felt embarrassed but sort of happy. It made me feel small and weak.

“I’ll get to it later. Let’s see that boy-chest.” He lifted me up and held me with a single hand as he took the seam of my shirt and pulled it up my body. “You’re so thin but have a little fat in all the right places, baby boy. Are you sure you’re not on estrogen?”

“Uh-huh,” I couldn’t formulate proper words as he brushed his hand down my chest and touched my nipples.

“God, you’re going to look so good in girl’s clothes walking around the house.” He started sucking my nipple.

“Ahhhhh!” I screamed and it echoed through the corridor. I tried to cover my mouth, but he grabbed my hand away.

“No, don’t hold back. I want to hear you cry and moan.” I obeyed him and let myself make big cries as he continued to ravage my legs, nipples, and belly.

He kissed my tummy and rubbed his head on it. I could feel his short beard hair against my skin which made me truly realize how young I was compared to him. A 19-year-old being held down and caressed by a real man. The idea made my cock get the biggest it could. I was a little boy in a big house filled with men, women, and people who all wanted me. I started leaking pre-cum.

He took note of the wet spot on my underwear. “Look who’s wet,” he said and grabbed my bulge. “Ahhhhhhhhhh,” I yelled.

“That’s right. Be a good boy and let daddy touch you where he wants. You’re our property. You’re my property.”

He pulled down my underwear in a flash and he saw my hairless crotch with its 4-inch dick. “Just like in the photos but so much better. I’ve dreamed of touching you here for me.” He grabbed my small cock and enveloped it with his giant hand. He used my massive amounts of pre-cum as lube as he started jacking me off. He then swiftly took all of his clothes off. He looked even bigger without them. He had a hairy chest and rugged skin and… there is it. His cock. It was erect and twice the length of mine.

“I wish you would fuck me with that,” I cried. I thought I said it in my head but when he responded I knew it was audible.

“You are such an eager little femmy boy, aren’t you? I bet you want this cock to ravish your little hole and make you squeal like the good little boy you are.” My eyes said yes. “Well, you have to earn this cock, sweetie. For now, you can just look at it and imagine it in your virgin bussy.”

“Please, please, please,” I begged.

“Nope. You can’t handle it yet. Let’s see how you handle this.” He crushed me under his weight and continued to jack me off and rub my thighs. He went in for the kiss while he did. His lips were so warm and soft. I was crying and moaning the entire time. I could hear footsteps outside. “They can you hear you, little Calix. They know that you’ll be their little slut too but that I got to be the one to touch you first. It’s only fair after all.”

In my head I kept begging him to fuck me. I started slobbering as he was stimulating me in three places. “Please!” I cried.

“Shh, little slutty boy. All good things come to those who wait.” He looked down at my ravished body. “But I suppose you deserve a little something.” He stopped touching my thigh and weaned his hand down to my hole. He then jabbed his finger in.

“Oooohahahah,” I moaned. I felt his giant finger open me up for the first time. He used the knuckle as a focal point and jabbed his finger in and out of my soft hairless hole.

“You feel so sweet inside,” he said. “I’m gonna’ make you cum.” He increased the intensity of the kissing, the jacking off, and the fingering. I felt something start to boil up inside of me. I started letting out a high pitch femboy cry as I felt my ass start to clinch around his finger. He kissed me and put his tongue in my mouth and grabbed my dick like a throttle. Up and down and in and out, up and down and in and out. And… and… I felt my hole grab his finger as I came like a little horny boy. My boy fluid blasted out of my tiny dick and he continued to ravish my body.

My orgasm lasted for 10 seconds until he stopped jacking me off. He continued to slowly kiss and finger me to get me off my high. 10 more seconds passed, and he slowly took his finger out and in 10 more he finished his kiss. I was left a hyperventilating sweaty mess of a dumb femboy who just made giving his life away to 20 strangers official.

He got up from the bed and went to the covers. “Thank you, Calix.” He said. “You really are everything I thought you would be and more. I can’t wait for tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.” He took the blankets and covered me in them handing me the teddy bear. “Goodnight, little boy,” he said and closed the doors.

I was in the darkness of the room in post-orgasmic bliss. This really was going to be my life now. In the coming days I’m going to be taught how to be more girly. I’m going to be put in girl’s clothes and have make-up on. I’m going to have sex with people of all genders. I’m going to lose my vagina virginity and get fucked and prepped to be a perfect boy to 20 people who love me. I couldn’t believe how lucky my life suddenly became. Just a few days ago I was miserable living a life of a low income food service worker with no friends or family. And now I had a whole legion of people who want to take care of me and all I have to do is dress how I always wished I could and have sex only if I want. This truly is the dream. I’m looking forward to tomorrow and wondering just what lied in store for a House Femboy like me.


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