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In 2023, I went to to a gay bath house twice. This is the mis-mashed story of those two experiences as I can't recall which events occurred at which visit.

I was really cock deprived. I hadn't had sex in many months, my now former partner was living away, and I was lonely. Before I turned 18, I had heard of a gay bath house in my area and remembered it in the present now. Not that I was 22, it was time to have that part of the gay male experience.

I was terrified. I didn't know what was going to happen. I entered through the discreet door and a man behind a glass panel asked me what package I wanted. I told him I want one room and one locker, and I paid. I entered and found my room number on the 2nd floor. Surrounding me were naked men of all ages. From 18 to the 70s or older. When I got inside my room, I tidied up and took most of my clothes off. I was far too scared to go full commando and kept my underwear on. I spent the next few hours just wondering around not knowing what to do. I went downstairs into the lobby, outside to the swimming pool, to the showers, sauna, locker room and gym. I got eyed by many men that saw this almost female looking male walking around. I have boobs, and it was clear some men were quite apprehensive to the idea that a trans woman was in the gay bath house. I however am not trans and I told many people that.

The first guy to make more than a passing glance was taller and rounder than me. He grabbed my cock and asked if I wanted to come to his room. I said yes and followed. I then learned that he wanted me to top. Being too skittish to say I don't top, I tried to anyway. Failing all the way. I told him goodbye and walked out.

After a few more laps around the complex I ended up in a red-room sauna. All of the blacked-out silhouettes kept looking at each other not knowing what to think. Eventually, one guy came onto me and pushed my mouth down onto his cock. I sucked on it very hard and repeated "He like it! Yes he does!" A few times. I don't know if he cummed or not because the sauna air was so hot I could not distinguish cum from sweat.

I left the sauna and wondered around again, having miniature sexual exchanges with all sorts of men. At one point, the bath house got very crowded. It was then I ran into a very handsome and well composed man in his 20s. We looked at each other, smiled, and exchanged a few words. Before we could continue, I got dragged away back into the sauna and him into an orgy room.

I wiggled my way out of the room and to my surprise we found each other again. He asked if I had a room and I brought him there. I was starting to think I wasn't going to get fucked at all until this great man came. And came he did, as he fucked the crap out of me. In the cramp walls and rooms of the bath house, one can hear everything. Interrupting by the unmelodic grunts and moans of men, mine stood above the rest as the highest most femme voice of them all. I thought to myself that some of the tops must be jealous as he pounded away at my bussy. I didn't cum, but when do I ever? It was a really good time.

Later, or perhaps on the 2nd visit, I was in the hot tub outside having just taken a shower. There was a giant man watching me from his pool seat and I did take notice, but thought nothing of it. I don't know if it was the confidence the 1st visit gave me, but suddenly I was getting a lot more attention. Apparently confidence is hot even on subs. The giant man found me in the halls and asked to fuck me. And that he did. He did again and again and again. He literally fucked me for hours with the biggest cock I had ever seen. Long and girthy. It is due to his cock that I now am emotionally capable of taking the biggest humans cocks in reason. I drifted in and out of consciousness while he fucked and sweet talked me. He must have cum at least 4 times by the time it was done.

But get this. During our talks, I had told him about my desire to be a boywife. He jumped on this, and said right then and there he wanted to make me his boywife. So why am I still unmarried? Well, I guess the gesture wasn't quite how I imagined it in the midst of a dark steamy bath house. It was uncomfortable. I had always imagined a man just saying irl that he wanted to marry me, but the reality did not live up to the fantasy. Frankly, this man was kind of gross. Not in a looks way, but in a behavior way. After cumming in me four times, all he could think about was sex. It was almost a perverted form of sexuality that made me want to vomit. Sex was all there was to him. How could he still be horny after fucking for 2 hours and cumming so many times? It was not only that, but the way he spoke and the way he carried himself. I would not be safe with him, I thought. And jumping right into marriage? He even said he wanted me to meet his mother! After knowing him for 2 hours in a gay bath house! Jesus!

The last time I went was over 7 months ago and I have not had sex since. Luckily, I only caught a harmless epidermal condition that cleared up after a few months from these experiences and not an STD. (I got tested) I would say I'll never go again, but I very well might. I need to be fucked and sometimes pointless sex is the only way to do it. It is not very fulfilling, though.

Gay bath houses can be fun sometimes, but make sure they're something you really want first. Maybe I would feel safer as a normal man, but as it stands femboys need to be protected from these places like that. Now, who's going to protecc me? 🥺


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