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Quickie sketch TF sequence I drew inbetween comms!

The idea was to show a proposed "ideal" way to carry out limbless transformations so as to make the transition as easy and pleasant as possible to the transformee, as well as to naturally and gradually drive them to learn their new way of locomotion.

In order to do so, instead of the legs being fused together as in some TFs, a tail is grown instead. The limbs are gradually reduced: the arms disappear faster but the legs are kept functional for longer as they shorten and shorten, allowing the tail to grow and, little by little, lowering the transformee's torso to ground level. Eventually the transformee will reach the point of being unable to actually walk and instead will use the nearly vestigial legs to help their crawling drag their body around, easing the transition between the two forms of movement. Eventually, of course, they will disappear completely but by that point the transformee should have already gotten acostumed to and learned how to use their new body.



Something Tanuki

So much attention to detail! I love the care you put into the practicality of the progression, and each stage has a lot of personality on their own. From the bipedal dinosaur-like stance with the big tail, to the jabba the hut-like blobbier form, to the fully grounded sluggy final form. I can totally imagine each one interfacing with the world differently, if this was a widespread TF each stage would probably have their own name and their own products and advice to help people manage their temporary forms


Thank you very much! For some reason I have some strong opinions about tail growth hahaha. Though I don't dislike when artists draw legs merging together to form the tail, I think it would make more sense for the tail to grow from back while the legs recede (plus that's more fun imo!), so I really wanted to put that idea to paper. It would be really fun to experience this slow TF in more depth and I hope to revisit the concept in a more finished sequence in the future!