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Hello, everyone. This is a very important update, which I urge you to please read in full.

As some of you surely already know, I’ve been planning on switching to art-making as my main source of income for a while now. This Patreon was (and is) the first step towards that. My initial plan was to grow the Patreon for a few months so as to lessen the risks of the transition from an IRL job to making art for a living, with the tentative date for that having been mid-2024.

However, due to recent developments, my IRL job commitments will be greatly reduced within the next two weeks: I won’t be without a job but my working hours will be a lot fewer. Because of that, I’ve decided to make the jump now. From the next month going forward, art-making will be my main job and source of income.

Due to how suddenly I’ve been driven to take this decision, it is quite scary, but also exciting. I look forward to being able to draw more, and more often. I love what I do so much and being able to do that for a living would be a dream come true. I feel very blessed that I’ve been able to share my creativity and imagination with so many people, and that you’ve all found enough worth in that to support me. I am incredibly thankful to you all for that.

In the following months, I’ll do my best to achieve that goal of making this a sustainable, fulfilling venture. And for that, I ask for your continued help and support. Specifically, I ask you to please share my work (as reaching new people has been particularly hard) and to let me know what you’d like to see more of, what you get excited about when I draw it! There are many avenues for this: the Discord server, Retrospring, direct messages, etc. I’m greatly interested in hearing what you are looking for in my art so I can continue to provide that for all of you, and to do so more frequently.

Please support in any way that you can and feel comfortable with. Any support is greatly appreciated!

Of course, this change in situation also implies changes on my end. Other than an increase in production and frequency of uploads, the first noticeable change will be commissions. I will be switching from the current slot-based system to a monthly goal; in other words, I’ll aim to bring in a certain amount of money through commission work each month (this amount will vary depending on other sources of income, currency conversion rates, etc.) and I will take as many commissions as needed each month until such goal is reached (careful so as to not take a number that’s unlikely to be finished in a reasonable amount of time).

Commissions will be opened shortly after this post going up, but I’ll make a separate post for that so as to not distract from the focal point of this update.

Outside of commissions, my priorities for November are the patron sketches for Transformee members as well was finishing the remaining 1k watchers giveaway prize. Both of these things are currently being worked on.

Thanks a lot for reading and for your continued support! Worries aside, I’m super excited to draw more of the art that we love!


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