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Blorbs are known for their particularly unique asexual reproduction. All blorbs belong to the same sex and, although they lay eggs, these don't contain their offspring. Instead, the blorbs' eggs hold a near invisible mutagenic containing the "parent's" DNA; when cracked, these mutagen rewrites any nearby creatures' genetics, transforming them into blorbs. This is colloquially known as "Blorb's blessing".

Because of how dependant on the eggs being found this reproduction method is, Blorbs lay eggs constantly. It is theorized that this is the also the reason why the only mental changes former human blorbs go through are a severe reduction in their sense of shame and an instinctual drive to lay and display their eggs. Although this works well enough to keep the species' numbers healthy, it has been observed that some transformees are able to fight this, choosing to either hide or destroy their own eggs immediately after laying them.



Something Tanuki

Lovely tf, blorbs are so huggable! Panel 3 is my fave, love the mouth!