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Hey everyone, 2024 is upon us, and so are changes. I am hoping that this coming year will be more prosperous as I am likely planning more things to offer and get more attention and support of my works.

  • I want to do ongoing comics again

For this to be possible I need to plan ahead on my scheduling if I wish to continue making premium pieces. These comics will be short stories featuring the Bear With Us Trio as well as other characters within the Therraverse.  Comics will probably be posted EARLY ACCESS on the Discord/Patreon FIRST to all supporters, regardless of tier. And then in a month, they will be released to the public.
I am sorry if anyone is interested in Downlovablecontents continuation, that will not be focused on.

  • NSFW content

This might also involve comics as well! Maybe most will less story featured and not as extensive, but these will be perks for the $5 tier and will not be posted publicly.

  • Premium Pieces

This will continue, I have been trying to keep up a good pace at doing one a week, but I am considering lowering this to possibly every other week to compete with the comic updates OR instead of 4 a month, maybe 3 a month. Hi-res and alts still being a thing. If I'm feeling good, bonus content will still happen.

  • Lootbox content

This will still continue, though after January rolls in probably not as extensive as it used to be. Prints are costing me a lot and I've been offering at most 5 prints a month, this might get lowered again, possibly to 2-3 prints a month. With stickers being about 1 or 2 a month. Hopefully this is understandable and reasonable. (I will have about 4-5 prints and two stickers ready for January) 

Also, I am planning a crowdfund for the first Bear With Us comic which will be a 30 page story within a 50 page collected book. Look out for more info on this come January! Thank you everyone for your support! I hope to see more of you in 2024

