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Hello everyone! Thank you for donating and viewing this post. We reached 140 members!

I currently talked to a NSFW Sound Designer(Zorak The Evil) you probably have seen his work, and he said he would try to do it until the middle of the month!

I am sorry it would take so long and I hope you understand! I tried contacting many and very few were free to work on it.

I am very thankful to every one of you!

大家好! 感谢您的捐赠和阅读本文。 我们的会员人数达到 140 WOOHOO!

我目前正在与一位 NSFW 声音设计师(Zorak The Evil)交谈,你可能已经看过他的作品,他说他会在月中尝试这样做!

抱歉拖了这么久,希望您能理解! 我尝试接触很多人,但很少有人有时间这样做。
