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Studying the Ratkin language has been an arduous task. These savages have a very fickle relationship with communication, often changing the context of words and phrases depending on the situation or how an individual is feeling while uttering them.

We have managed to gather at least some basic information concerning their warchants and prayers. If this will be useful to our conquest remains to be seen.

Ley: a multipurpose word whose meaning changes depending on the context.

A repeated use of Ley implies struggle, contest or hardship.

It is often sung as a part of a warchant as these wretched beings believe this will somehow increase their chances of victory. Naturally, this is utter nonsense.

A single use of Ley implies a prayer, a wish or a force of nature that grants protection.

Ki rei so, nata ley wo.

A prayer for safety, a prayer for war.

Ki laye sai nata ley wo.

A prayer for children at your door.

The phrase “children at your door” seems to refer to asking for fertility, being granted offspring, finding a mate and finally pregnancy. Even during combat the lewd obsessions of the Ratkin people become apparent.

Ley so rei no

This one has been a bit harder to translate. Just like the “Ki rei so” this would appear to be a prayer for safety, but in this case much more desperate and perhaps less optimistic.

That concludes my report, victory awaits the pertinacious.

Signed: Your Composer



Excellent music!!