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heyyy I guess this is a nice surprise? I've decided to get things started again here over Patreon, I think its time to get stuff together for myself and keep on working over here, both for my personal growth as well as my growth as an artist, the good news is that most of the problems I had that kept me from working full time on art has been gone and I think its a nice opportunity to get back to work!

I'll be making quite a few changes to the tiers and stuff that I've had planned for a couple months, sadly time caught up and the changes wont be instant so uhhh yeah!

some changes I want to make around here is to give more value to the support you guys give me and make my supporters know its worth to be here, so I'm thinking about giving you guys some more exclusivity, post some pieces over here way sooner than publically on twitter, make exclusive polls and suggestions, maybe work together in streams and let you guys request characters and situations you guys would like to see, if I want to be here I wanna make this a platform be the inspiration of my future pieces

also, I wanna thank you Duga and Mike that have been supporting me even when I didnt post over here for a few months, your support has been helping me quite a lot and you guys are one of the main reasons that made me take the decission to get back here, I love you guys with all my heart and your support will be compensated as well 👀

so yeah, its good to be back and its really exciting to see what the future holds!


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