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Attention all Patreon's, its time for another round of suggestions. Your job is simple, leave what you would like to see in the comments below, and at some point I will do my best to get all of your requests in :D. 

 This goes for anybody who has pledged to me, so that means even if you are in Tier 1, you will be eligible to suggest something. This will only apply to all my Patreons currently, all these images will be patreon only content, I may put previews out there at some point to see if people are interested in what they see, but all full res and uncensored versions will remain only for your eyes :)


Wesker Burkin

There is only one thing I can suggest. It has to be Atrox dominating Ellis and/or Dante. This would make me very happy. :)

Latricia Goodman

Here's my suggestion: More of Atrox in his demon form


Hm... After some time of thought, I would like to see Dante dominating one of the other guys (maybe Lumiere) in a public scene . And in a situation like: Caught in the act! With a bit embarrassment. :D


xD uh I like it . That's not bad at all. In fact I'm into that too. And to suggest my favorite couple too haha


No specific request but I'm a big fan of boots and gloves stayin on on your hot guys, so it would be cool if you do more of it~


xD that sounds like a deal. I noted it down. Thanks for joining in


Piers and chris from resident evil or sthing related to school life. I hardly see artist drawing based on school life


^^ its nice to see you joining . I noted it down along with the others


I would like to see Flynn Rider from Tangled and Cale Tucker from Titan AE do something.


i would say the same thing I say to people who commission me. Doing a 2D character into a 3D might not turn how you expected . I usually don't take those requests bcause sometime people realise that turning their fav 2D character into 3D was a mistake . If you have other suggestions I'd be glad to note them down :)