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News and Updates: 

Hello everyone, 

Its the first of July, and there are some upcoming things that I'd like to address and talk about. So first off later today, I will be posting the first render of the month for you guys, I cannot wait to share it with everyone :D. I hope you all enjoyed Pride month, and what it had to offer, and I hope you guys did something fun maybe to celebrate :). 

New Character when:

Since anything was fine for the poll, I will keep the new character anonymous, and when he is finished I will make an announcement render for him :). Keep an eye out for when he drops in a few days. 

Wish Renders/ Private Renders when: 

Since June was Pride month, I stopped working on the wish renders, so that I could get all the renders out on time before the month ended, I did cut it close to the end of the month but at least I got the 5 piece pride renders done ;). Another thing I need to say is for those who are waiting for your private render, I will be taking some time to get those out later this month for you all :), so I'd say sometime this month. I have all your requests written down. 

Reward Sharing: 

I feel that this topic needs to be discussed every single month, since I get new Patreon's. I will start off by saying, that I'm completely fine with you sharing rewards with friends as long as they understand, that this is something they need to keep private and not spread it all over the internet, and forums... When rewards get shared, by some troll, and not me, it is less motivating for me to do work :( ... I feel really betrayed when I see my art get leaked... When the time is right and I want to post it for free, then I will do so. Until then please keep rewards between you and your close friends. 

Rewards When: 

Remember guys, I will be sending all rewards/ extra rewards that were asked for on the 3rd of July, so just a few days and you will have your long awaited rewards :). 


Jesus Cuevas

I COMPLETELY AGREE! Its aggravating to see this content for free anywhere because the audience members are cheating fellow followers by doing so, we all paid good money for this, so stash it for yourself! If anyone wants this content they can pay like the rest of us!!!!


Sadly, this is one reason why I rarely release anything for free from Patreon... What stops me is the blatant disrespect some people have towards me... I've said it many times, share with friends, but keep it to yourself, cause you are 100% right, you paid good money for it, and its not fair for those who are paying.