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Hello Guys, 

This month started out as quite a mess, with the April rewards being leaked just hours after I sent the rewards... I've specified in the past and I will specify again, you may share rewards among friends privately, but you may not, and they may not share them publicly, all things will be released in due time, you do not gain anything from leaking my content for those who don't want to pay for it. I do not want to have to lock Nero to Tier 3, but I may have to if there are any more leaks on any site. 

This month most of his content was Tier 3 locked, starting June, he will go back to regularly appear on the lower Tiers, but if I see any content leaked from this May, in any way shape or form, he will be permanently locked to Tier 3 just like Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake, I do not want to have to do this, but I will be forced to do so if another leak occurs. 

The Good News:

Now that I got what I had to say above out of the way, I can give you guys the good news that I promised :D. So on and off this month I've been slowly working on getting Nico's Van converted to the program I use, so that Nero can finally have a place to hang out with the guys :3. I would say the outside is done, its just the interior that will take the most time. Along with that I've been slowly trying to get the boys outfits ready, so they can use them as well, so far I've gotten Nero's 90% done, the only thing left for me to do is get his jacket finished. After that I will start on Dante's and so forth, until I finish them all. 

Nero's Outfit Wips: 



Nico's Van:

New Models: 

Next month I may or may not be introducing new models, it all depends on how my workflow is around that time, I will also be taking time to try and update some older models, I don't know for sure who I will be updating yet, but I'll leave it up to your imaginations until I officially announce it :). 

Note: There are 4 days left of this month, so expect to see one last render before the month ends, after that on June 1st I will be posting the first mini pack of the month. I hope you all had a great May, and I cant wait to share the posts I have planned for June with you all :).