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An all-new Who Are These Broadcasters? today at 2p ET. Eric Zane and Christian Bladt check on Detroit Lions fans following their loss in San Francisco and explore just who has lost their mind over Taylor Swift. The ladies at the View and Rachel Maddow apparently all think that a sexual assault lawsuit is a laughing matter, Tim Scott comes out in support of Trump, Biden inspires a crowd of women, and Nancy Pelosi shows why Democrats will never abandon Biden. Plus, a driver films himself going 150 mph, a car takes a long drive off a short pier, embarrassing videos are hereditary in Hulk Hogan's family, gassy disturbances on airplanes and MUCH MORE!


Who Are These Broadcasters? Ep 25 - Taylor Swift's Cat

An all-new Who Are These Broadcasters? Eric Zane and Christian Bladt check on Detroit Lions fans following their loss in San Francisco and explore just who has lost their mind over Taylor Swift. The ladies at the View and Rachel Maddow apparently all think that a sexual assault lawsuit is a laughing matter, Tim Scott comes out in support of Trump, Biden inspires a crowd of women, and Nancy Pelosi shows why Democrats will never abandon Biden. Plus, a driver films himself going 150 mph, a car takes a long drive off a short pier, embarrassing videos are hereditary in Hulk Hogan's family, gassy disturbances on airplanes and MUCH MORE!


Jeff Spangler

Has John offered to feed her cat ?


i heard she named her cat the same thing HP Lovecraft named his cat