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This is it, the finale of the Easy For You To Say series!!  Producer Chris and Tookie join me as we break down the final two chapters. The second to last chapter details the Trump "prank" phone call. We've al heard it but it's hilarious how triumphant John thought it was. Then we have the conclusion and "thank yous." 

Also, we check out the child support documents that leaked recently and really hone in on John's "professional" emails and attempts to gain employment after The Tonight Show. It doesn't seem like he was too concerned about Suzanna and the kids. And also, John should never correct someone's spelling or grammar ever again!

Watch it here: https://youtube.com/live/m-xY7SWJEBI


Shawn Pedrick

I’m out walking the dog listening to this and I’m laughing like an idiot. My neighbors probably think I’m insane. Sad to see this end!


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