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We'll be covering everything that happened this week with Stuttering John, and boy was it a lot! Join Karl, Shuli, Tookie, and KC Armstrong at 4p ET.


Point Dabblepoint Ep11 (Livestream)

We'll be covering everything that happened this week with Stuttering John, and boy was it a lot! Join Karl, Shuli, Tookie, and KC Armstrong at 4p ET.



I fucking hate these clip-less super chat streams so much. The show is beginning to feel like a cheesy ass network. More stuff to skip than tune into. Clearly it'll keep going this way because who would turn off a pipeline of money via superchats. But I find myself less and less interested in the "WATP" universe. I've also come to realize I HATE listening to comedians and radio guys talk. I consider most of them to be like John in some respects. They all play for change with their cups out and can hardly control their emotions. None of this is directed specifically at this episode just general feelings lately. In fact to flip the script and pay a compliment I'd say that I really enjoy the "round table discussion" parts of this video. I just hate that it has to be broken up so I can watch you guys shove 10's in your G-strings and hear stupid comments from the audience I'm ignoring in the chat. Snail Mail me back. -Toilet (I'll edit this after I've had my cup of coffee and tell you if I'm still as annoyed) (Edit after coffee: I'm less angry, but I still hate the format and also comedians talking. Karl and I are cool again though. He better fucking watch it.)

