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This week on the Drew and Mike Show we learn a lot about narcissists. But not from narcissists, from the victims of narcissists. Well, that's according to these narcissists. Kristin Cavallari went from reality show star to terrible podcast host. 

Then we do a whole deep dive into Tom Segura. The guy has definitely changed over the years and has possibly lost touch with his audience. We document the transformation from open-mic'er to rich jerk. 

Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAK3S9efEio




I don’t listen to any of Segura’s podcasts, so I couldn’t say how much of him calling people losers and poor is all genuine, or if he kinda turns it up for effect. However, based off what they played here, I actually find it funny that he does that. If people are bitching that he flaunts his wealth or even just mentions having nice things, then fuck them. He worked for it, he earned it. Why are you worrying about what the next man has and why should it be his problem that you don’t have as much? I feel like Karl would normally agree with that sentiment, but for some reason he’s here championing the crybabies bitching about rich people. I say good for Segura. Don’t bow down and start apologizing to these people who need to put their problems on you. Double down


I actually stated that Tom is right in what he's saying but he's doing a bad job of delivering the message and it's turning a lot of people off.

Andrew M Aldrich

Tom certainly can talk about whatever he wants but SUPER RICH people talking about their expensive toys can be a real turnoff to the rest of us mere pedestrians. There seems to be a lot of this with the private jets, car collection, watch collection plus Bert’s “I play arenas”…..but there is little effort to make it funny or interesting. Personally if I am invested in a show I want the hosts to be successful ( as well the people behind the scenes). I don’t feel fans begrudge success BUT pointless and excessive “look at my incredible success” rubs many the wrong way.

Felix Fitzgerald

Yeah he really seems an insufferable douche, seems like ari, tim dillon and theo survived LA without becoming self important tools