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For those of you who enjoy listening, here's the emergency broadcast I did yesterday on YouTube. Stuttering John officially cancelled his stand up gig in Rochester (shocker) and threatens to sue me again (shocker). John, if you're reading this, please sue me. I dare you!

Watch it here: https://youtube.com/live/wNdmd-_rU38




Putting myself in her position, putting John in the bathtub to sleep achieves a few things - one, as you said, if he's shitting himself or getting sick in any fashion it keeps it off the bed/carpet/furniture, etc, it gives her more physical space from him and allows her to close the door in case she had any worry for her safety, and if he was that drunk him getting out of the tub and bedding would likely cause enough of a racket to wake her up. He is seriously such a dumpster fire of a human. It's no wonder his kids want nothing to do with him, I feel bad for them and i feel like we should send Suzanner a fruit basket or some shit just as consolation for the years she spent with that turnip.


I'd also like to reiterate the shitty position he put her in - she either forces him to leave and hopes he doesn't kill someone driving drunk, or she tries to just get through the night until he sobers up and deals with any risk on her own. That's fucked up.

Principled Uncertainty

The John saga is getting a little dark and too repetitive. I'm reaching SJ burnout again. He's burning himself out and it's a game of ever decreasing rewards. He's a bizarre and fascinating guy, but no one can provide fodder for this many shows.