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Join Eric Zane, Christian Bladt, and Karl Hamburger at 3p ET as they discuss Burning Man coverage, important questions for the White House Press Secretary, Mitch McConnell's battery dies again, Strike Force Five sucks, and much more.


Who Are These Broadcasters? Episode 4 (Livestream)

Join Eric Zane, Christian Bladt, and Karl Hamburger at 3p ET as they discuss Burning Man coverage, important questions for the White House Press Secretary, Mitch McConnell's battery dies again, Strike Force Five sucks, and much more.


Principled Uncertainty

It's early days. Go listen to episode 4 of WATP. Give it a chance. It's not WATP. Waaagh! I know, it's a new show that's carving out it's niche (pronounced neesh, not nitch, American weirdos), and it will get there. I bet these are the same people who drum their fingers while waiting for the toast to pop.


We should compare a current episode to one when Karl was brand new at poscasting? Why? Has he not learned by now what is and isn't entertaining?

Silence Dogood

Karl needs to dump Christian, Chrissie and Hughzy. I would also say trucker Andy but they are long time friends and that won't happen.

Mr. Hamilton Burger

I disagree on all three (four?) counts. Clearly, you are unhappy that Cros isn't a regular co-host anymore, as is literally everyone else, but that isn't a good reason to get rid of multiple co-hosts who get what Karl is doing and are willing and able to play along.