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Tune in at 5p ET today! This is a WATP Takeover featuring Doug from Who's Right and Bryan Johnson from Tell Em Steve Dave. I appreciate them stepping up to the plate for us.


Ep437 - Steel Toe Morning Show (Live-ish stream)

This is a WATP Takeover featuring Doug from Who's Right and Bryan Johnson from Tell Em Steve Dave. I appreciate them stepping up to the plate for us.


LC Brock

Two hours of a low, humming droning noise would have been a more dynamic, high-energy listen than this episode.

Dustin Smart

Clunky and vengeful. Wasn’t a fun listen. Steel Toe isn’t great by any stretch, but I’m not sure what they did to piss these two off enough to warrant this kind of show.


How did they separate Michael Ironside's voice and face into two people?